
139 25 15

tw // suicide, ed, self harm, depression, anxiety, etc

i might've said that i wasn't gonna come back but i just wanted to say something a g a i n .

just a quick disclaimer, this isn't targeted towards anybody at all, it's just a lil thing I've noticed and experienced on here.

this app is really fucking toxic. and no i dont mean that people bully others, i mean people fake shit for attention (yeah i know who you are and you better be fucking happy im not dropping your @'s). and you learn all these new terms and without any background whatsoever you just 'GIMME GIMME GIMME' and you label yourself and you lie and it's just shitty. not to mention that this app is full of people sexualizing already grown people. i made that mistake too, i have 2 mainstream fanfics and i regret writing them every day :)). if you're young then please get the fuck off of this app. if you're the correct age to be on this app please reconsider some of the things you do on this app. fanfics are understandable , this website was literally made for that purpose, but really think about what you're doing.

im gonna be honest. i made mistakes too. i hurt a person really fucking badly, and ive been hurt horribly too. you might think you're really smart when you're on this app but you're not, you're really not. you're gonna grow out of this phase one day and look back and wonder what the fuck you were on, but while you're here, please be fucking considerate of what you do for attention. a lot of peoples first social media app is wattpad and if you take advantage of their innocence you're  fucking monster.

and depression doesn't make you look cool, neither does anxiety. dont fucking throw around those terms because it makes you look like you went through shit. you have no fucking clue what people go through every day and then there's you faking it to be popular. faking ed's is not quirky, because if someone that has an ed finds you all hell will break lose.

AND BODY DYSMORPHIA IS NOT A FUCKING JOKE :). stop saying you have dysmorphia because you think your hair doesn't look good. dysmorphia is living hell and if you're faking living hell god knows what type of fucking person you are.

to top this all off, stop faking suicide attempts please. most of us know when you do. it's pretty clear, and when you slip up it's very frustrating to the people who you may have put through fucking hell because you mean the world to them and then you fake your death.

you're not edgy, you're not quirky, you're not lol relatable, youre a fucking piece of shit for doing stunts for attention because people remember and it affects them in ways your fucking peabrains don't understand.

thank you and goodnight :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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