Author's Note & Coco

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Alright, welcome. I thought of this story while I was working on a character so you can use her to fill in the blanks if you don't want to use yourself or one of your OCs. 

A little background though since this was planned for Coco: you will not be able to fill in who your relatives and pokemon are and I wrote this with a female character in mind so if you don't identify as a girl, I'm sorry. Your nationality is Alolan and I'm from Hawai'i so I got you covered on the vernacular. 

Details you can fill in include...

Name (Y/N): Coco Mania
Complexion (S/C): Light Tan
Height (Y/H): 5'2" (Coco may or may not grow throughout this)
Hair Color (H/C): Dark Brown
Hair Length (H/L): Shoulder-Length

About your 'relatives'...

They are in cannon and are a bit of a controversy in the fannon. As stated above, Coco's (your) nationality is Alolan but her ethnicity is mixed seeing as Alola is based on Hawaii (which is known as a being a huge melting pot a.k.a. a place where many people and cultures have mixed [melted] together). 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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