chapter two

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    I wake up and look around. What is this place. What is Luka doing here? I poke him but he barely wakes up. I poke him again and he wakes up then looks at me then jumps up and hugs me. He’s crying, I can tell. He changed me. What happened? tThe last thing I remember is…..oh…. I was dead. I walk away and to the surface. He doesn’t stop me, so I go home, shower, then go to bed.

    I get up for school, flat iron my hair, put my makeup on, get dressed and go. I don’t eat because I'm not hungry, I don’t ride the bus I drive my car. My whole body aches. My dad looked at me this morning which he doesn’t do and then looked away, He's gonna do something tonight I know it. I could go back to the lake…. No not yet. The water calls to me but I just ignore it. I look up at the sky. I get to school then I look at the sky.  It has the vibrant color of blue with clouds swirling and moving, the bright sun behind a tree a giant oak tree with beautiful green leaves, a deer standing under it eating grass. The school is big with 3 stories and a courtyard and hundreds of little things that make it look like a castle. It’s the prettiest school. The teachers are nice. This one teacher jenn is just the nicest. My friend walks up to the window of the car. “Come on you're gonna be late” she tells me. She’s right I’ve been sitting and staring too long I get out of the car and walk with her inside.


   I can feel her unease. She’s in trouble. The school day is almost over I know she’s not gonna come here she’s gonna fight the urge until she cant anymore that's what we all do anyway. I didn’t do that because I felt right at home. I’m going to go to her since she won’t be coming to me. I go to the surface and then I start walking to her house I know where she lives I've been there before and from what I know her dads not a nice guy. He held a knife to her throat the last time I was there to get me away. I’ve been there 7 times after that, each time climbing through her bedroom window into her black walled room. The skull above her bed. I recreated her room underwater because I knew this was gonna happen. 

Her room is black with a giant skull sticker taped above her bed and a dark purple carpet. Her bed was tall and had a black blanket with white skulls on it. She has black curtains and a dark oak nightstand. A salt lamp was there and a mirror next to her makeup. In the other corner of her room was a bookshelf with 60 or so different books. She has a closet which has all 5 pairs of black ripped skinny jeans, 3 black dresses, 16 shirts, 7 hoodies, 2 leather jackets, 5 pairs of shoes, 3 pairs of fishnets, 70 bracelets, 4 chokers, and 6 hair things all neatly packed in boxes and drawers. She has a phone charger by her bed and a black teddy bear on the bed.

    Her room is pretty big. Her dog Pasha is laying on the bed. He’s tiny enough to hold in my arms. He loves me. I pet him while I wait for her to get home. I hear the door open then I hear a scream. “MAYBE IF YOU DIDN’T COME HOME LATE YOU WOULDN’T BE IN TROUBLE” I hear her dad yell. I hide under the bed with pasha just in time to see her dad drag her in by her hair then throw her in the room leaving her and locking the door behind him. She doesn’t dare crawl out the window and now I cant leave either. This is why she has food and water in a drawer in her nightstand. She gets on her bed and whispers “ you can come out now.” I do, I hand pasha to her then I gently touch her head and do her hair. I put them in two braids like I always do.

    “Are you okay?” I ask. She nods “Just hurt.”  we sit and talk till I hear her dad coming and I hide under the bed with pasha just in time. “ASH YOU BETTER MAKE DINNER AND WRITE ME A 3 PAGE APOLOGY LETTER AND EXPLAIN WHY YOU WERE LATE.” her dad yells then leaves slamming the door behind him. I come out. “I’ll write the letter you go make dinner...” I tell her. She nods and leaves. He will never treat her like that again I swear to god.

    She brings dinner into her room for me. I eat while she eats with her dad. She gives him the apology letter. She comes back in and lays in bed. “I wanna the water…” she says. I think for a minute. “I’ll get an airbag thing that way you can take all your stuff with you and it wont get wet and we’ll bring the dog.” I tell her. Where I live, yes is underwater but there's air and no one can find it because it’s in a cave under the water that looks like a pile of rocks, when in reality under that pile of rocks is a giant air pocket with hundreds of houses and people and a market and restaurants. I hop out the window and grab everything she needs and air thing for her dog. 

    We leave that night after packing EVERYTHING. Now she has extra blankets. We leave the bookshelf, the nightstand, the bed, and the boxes in the closet. Everything inside the boxes in the closet are in bags and books too. We load her car and then go, she parks in the woods. It's dark the sky is a nice shade of bluish purple the stars and the moon glow and light up the trees. There's a squirrel climbing a tree and a doe with its mom whose eating the dew covered grass. We walk into the water with everything in our hands. Everything gets lighter in the water. We make it to the cave and I lead the way from there. We get to my house and go inside. She puts everything down and realizes shes dry then lets the dog out and hugs me. We hug for 5 minutes then I kiss her. I kiss her until we realize that we’ve been kissing for about 10 minutes. She goes to bed and so do I. I sleep right behind her holding her close to me protecting her from whatever might come her way in her dreams or in the night when shes sleeping.

I live alone, my parents died when I was five and then one of the council members found me passed out by the lake, He bit me out of sorrow and brought me here. I don’t understand why he did but he did and I don’t mind it it’s better than living on the streets. My house is pretty big compared to other houses down here but only because i'm the “son” of a council members, my house is actually a mansion one of 8 that are down here. I know what you're wondering… how did they get electricity and fresh air and food and houses...well the answer is simple, Magic. There's good magical creatures and there’s the bad ones. Were good ones though.

I dream of the moon covering the sun, the world fading into darkness, then I’m falling. I land in a tree. I see a goat under the tree and a lamb. The goat is red and the lamb is gold. The goat chained to the tree and the sheep roaming free. Then I wake up. I look around then I get dressed and wake up ash. “Hey sleepy head don't forget you have school today.” she gets up eats, gets dressed, and goes to school. I sit there thinking about my dream.

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