[ chapter one ]

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The losers were in the store,
buying some snacks because they are going to have a picnic

"Come on Eds, it's not that dangerous" Richie said

"Not dangerous?, Do you even know how much bacteria are in those cookies? They make them in those gross fabrics with the-"

Eddie told more but Richie didn't listen anymore and just laughed at him

Stanley rolled his eyes and said
"Come on Bev, how long is this gonna take?"

"I have only 5 dollars" Beverly said

"Thats enough for these delicious cookies" Richie laughed a little to hard

Eddie glared at Richie

"No Richie, we take the Oreos" Beverly said

"Sounds good" Mike smiled

"Yeah whatever, I wanna get out of this store it's boring" Richie said

"Sometimes your a real baby Rich" Eddie said annoyed

"I said the same to your mom last night" Richie said

"Ew, gross" Eddie said

Stanley sighed annoyed

Beverly buyed oreos and chips, and she had some banana's in her bag from her dad

As soon as Richie got the chance he ran out of the store

The losers watched how Richie just ran into a big storm

Richie ran back in the store as fast as he could

"There's a big ass storm out there" Richie breathed heavily

"Sometimes we really have to put a leash on you" Ben sighed

"Okay but where are we going? We can't have a picnic in the rain"
Mike said

"Oh yes we can" Richie said hyper and was about to ran outside again

Eddie grabbed Richie by his wrist

"Stay here, its freezing out there with those clothes on" Eddie glared at Richie

"Aww, little Eds is caring for me" Richie smiled

"You really have to take a chill pill Rich" Eddie said back

"Let's stay here until the rain is over" Ben said

"Oh really thought? Leave my store you rats" the cashier said annoyed

"Damn do you have your man period or something" Beverly screamed back

"Let's go" Mike said, while pushing the losers out of the store "before things get worse"

"You okay with the food?" Ben asked Beverly

"Yes, its probably gonna stay dry in this bag" Beverly smiled

"Now, pip-pip and tally-ho my good fellows" Richie said

"We can go to the clubhouse" Stanley suggested

"Thats a good idea! I'm in" Beverly said

The rest nodded

And the losers drove to their clubhouse with their bikes

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