(:The Infectious Simile:)

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"It's your power your power not his"I stood shocked at what I had just heard. I looked infront of me. There he stood hands badly broken, blood streaming down his face. In his eyes, was this intense burning passion as Midoriya kept saying how my Quirk was my own and just because Endeavor is the damn bastard who used my mother and me as tools for his own selfish desires doesn't mean I shouldn't be using my full strength to become the hero that I want to be. As those words rang through my head time seemed to stop as a flash back rolled in my head.

I was cuddled against my mother's chest hunched over on my knees. I sobbed as a told her "I--dont want to be like him mo--mmy!"
I paused to look up in her fearful but calming grey eyes.
"I-dont w-ant to be like some-one who hurts you!"
She gave me a motherly smile and whispered" Well you want to be a hero dont you?" She held me tighter. "When you finally become one just remember shoto that you get to choose the kind of hero that you want to be and no one not even your father can do anything about it! She picked me up in her arms lovingly and repeated " be The hero you want to be

Suddenly my left side burst into flames as I fell back into my battle with Midoriya. Finally I let go of my hatred for my father in a huge burst of flames. Surprisingly it felt good to let it all out. Like all the weight of my tragic past just lifted off my shoulders.
I felt as ease but still confused. I looked through the smoke to see not a scared worried kid who wanted to win but...a smiling Midoriya. Something about that smile was familiar it seemed to speak saying I am here! Without a word. I felt the need to smile back which I soon did.
When I looked into Midoriya's passion filled green eyes as a thought popped into my head.
This boy went out of his way to the point of even throwing away his possible chance at a win to help me with a problem that had nothing to do with him. This apifiny made me contemplate why? Why me? What made him feel so obligated to help me?

Sunlight interrupted my thoughts as I realized that what just happened was a dream. I felt my face to see my hand wet with tears. Sighing and Looking at my ceiling when a knock suddenly came from my door.
Jumping out of bed I put pants on then reached for the knob.
I opened it only to find the exact boy who was in my dream. His green eyes still full of the same spirit as if we where still in the arena. Though it quickly changed as Midoriya's eyes went from somewhere else to mine he smiled nervously- WAIT WHY IS HE BLUSHING?!then in the same breath he frowned as worry appeared in his eyes. "Are you ok Todoroki?" I cursed myself for not whipping my eyes before I came out. I tried to play dumb " I dont know what you mean..." But that didn't fool Midoriya. He walked closer as I jumped back he put his scared hand on my shoulder.
Midoriya looked in my eyes and smiled "You know you can always talk to me I am your best friend after all." He pulled me into a friendly hug only to realize that I still didn't have a shirt on,his face lighting up a bright red quickly letting me go then asked " You want to come with me to get breakfast no one else is up yet." I nodded as I though about what just happened. "Let me get a shirt." This brought Midoriya's attention back to my shirtlessness his face flared up again I will admit I might have done that one on purpose. But can you blame me?when blushes I kind of think it's cut-
WAIT NO SHOTO NO! I quickly ran into my room to hide my face.

Midoryia POV:

I woke up early as always do to go for a jog and take a shower. When I was coming back headed to my Dorm I heard screaming coming from someone else's room
My hero instinct had me already running to the one I heard it coming from it I paused... Todoroki's. He sounded scared and I couldn't bare it.Something in me wanted to bust down the door and cuddle him until he felt save again. But I knew that could end badly.
So Instead I knocked on his door to hear him get up and open it. I almost lost it when I saw him he was... shirtless I could feel myself blushing but I noticed his body was sweaty and he was breathing heavily.
I looked in his bi-colored eyes to see tears and pain in them. He must have had a nightmare I felt bad for him as it seemed this one was particularly bad. I stopped myself from out right asking him what happened and instead went for a different approach. "You ok Todoroki?"he tried to "Jedi Mind Trick" me by saying he didn't know what I was talking about. So I just put my hand on his shoulder telling him he could talk to me if he needed to.
He thanked me before I gave him a friendly hug forgetting his shirtless state. I pulled away blushing but I dont think he noticed. I asked him to get breakfast with me as I tried to get my mind off him...and to help him with his nightmare. He nodded saying he needed a shirt first I again blushed as I realized him again. But this time I though I saw his lip curve into a smile. My whole everything stopped DID TODOROKI JUST SMILE?!?
I could feel the blush rising to my face but he was gone in his room.

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