Nina goes back to Oregon

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We get on our flight home and when we get my house there is paparazzi in my lawn. I walk up to the door and go in. "Nina, what happened back in California. You need to tell us. Sweetie we can help."

"Its not important anymore. What's done is done." I reply to my parents.

Days pass and the paparazzi still haven't left. "This is ridiculous, you what Zach may deal with this but I don't." I go and open the door.

"Nina, Nina, what was your weekend like with Zachary Austin? We only want the truth."

"You don't want the truth, you take people's word and you twist them. You take a normal person and build them up. You twist their words and cause them to lie just to save others the expense of this. Congratulations you created a celebrity but recked the human being inside."

"Nina, one more question, who is Zachary Austin really."

"Who is he, the Zachary Austin your all so obsessed with I... I never met him."

They leave and I get my privacy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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