The Past- My little girl

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It was 1987 when it all started. Foxy bit a little girl's head and she lost her frontal lobe. After the Bite, five children were reported kidnapped.

What History doesen't remember that I'm one of the father's of the 5 children kidnapped. My little 4-year old daughter "Rose".
I still remember the last time I saw her smile and that was the time before I never saw her again.


I woke up in the morning on the couch.
When I opened my eyes I saw my daughter smiling infront of me and shouted "Good moorning Daddy!" with excitement. I just simply smiled and said "Good morning sweetie" in a tired way.

"Can we eat breakfast outside Daddy?" Rose asked with a smile

"Why sweetie?" I asked her too

"Did you forget what day it is?" She asked me while her face looked like a grumpy chubby baby.

I stared at her while thinking what day it is. All I can think was work. Work somehow erased my memory of many holidays and celebrations I was supposed to remember. What is today?

"Happy birthday!" She shouted proudly. She hugged me even though I was still on the couch. I then stood up , told her to take a bath and get dressed (I did the same thing though). When we were both ready we both hopped in the car and I asked her "Where do you want to celebrate, sweetheart?" in a excitment.

"Freddy's Pizza?" she smiled

I just looked at her, smiled and we drove.


We got to the Pizzaria. Children were everywhere playing. The 3 main animal robots on the stage were playing some sort of annoying music that they played all over again. But all the children still enjoyed. We've been in the Pizzaria for almost 4 hours. Rose was with some other children following a robot, I think? Because It moved spoke like a robot. I knew she was having a great time. I shouted to Rose from afar "Have fun sweetie! I'll find you later!"

"Bye Daddy! I love you!" She smiled at me and waved her hand as they proceeded to some door that was unfamiliar to me.


I was just sitting and looking at the door for an hour where the children including Rose entered with the robot.

Still no sign of anyone getting out. I became curious. What was taking them so long? After 30 minutes I saw the children all getting out of the room where they entered. I was happy but one thing bothered me then. Where is Rose? Where is the robot that wore a suit? WHERE IS MY LITTLE GIRL?

I entered the room and 3 more doors on the right, middle and left. The Middle and right had signs that said "Authorized Personnel only" so I took the left door. It was just a small game room going to be finished. When I legt the unfinished game room I tried to enter the middle door but I was stopped by the time I got hold of the door's handle. It was a staff worker, he just got in by the door I went in too.
The worker and I stared in suprise.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHO ARE YOU?" shouted the worker

"I'm a father looking for my daughter!"
I shouted with grief and anger to the worker

"S#!t.... Did your daughter happen to be with some children or was with a animal costume wandering around here?" He asked me in fear

"Both." I answered him

"F@#&!! Come with me sir! Hurry!" He pleaded to me in fear

We went to the manager's office. I was sitting and talking to the manager and there was also the worker , security guard and a policeman.

"Sir, I am sorry but we have no cameras still available in 2 of the rooms that the Children and Kidnapper may have entered." said the manager

"Why the f@#&! Wouldn't you place cameras there?!" I shouted with anger

"You see after the bite if 1987 we kind of lost reputation and also after the 4 other kidnappings of children in th--"

"4 other f&%#$@! kidnappings?!" I interrupted rudely. Tears were falling off my face when I heard about this. It seems like that I wasn't the only parent to lose they're child.

"Yes... Your the 5th sir. We'll have a team to search for your daughter tomorrow." Said the policeman that was standing behind me

"Why not now officer?" I asked the officer in grief and sadness in my heart

"Because we're already investigating the missing 4th child." said the policeman.


I cried all the way even in the car. If I lost my daughter how would my wife feel?

I started the engine of my car and I drove. It was hard to see the road since I was crying and having flashbacks of my little daughter. I finally got control of my focus and forced myself to stop the flashbacks. I looked at my right there was my daughter facing outside the window I looked at her and said in fear "Ro...oose?" She turned her head quickly facing to me and it looked like she had some metal and wires coming out of her face bleeding and released a horrible odor in the car I blinked all of the sudden and she was gone. I stared at the empty seat where she was just sitting then suddenly I realized I lost focus in driving the car went zigzag in the highway and I crashed in a strip club's fence. I got out of the car and fell down. My eyes were closing. Suddenly, 2 big guys with suits that seemed to be the bouncers of the Club carried me in the club and I could hear a stripper calling 911. I only had a glimpse of the strippers and then I fainted.
I sometimes even wake up in the ambulance, being carried to the hospital and being stitched up by the Doctor.
I finally wake up. The Doctor explained to me how lucky I was to be still alive after how fast I was driving my car. He also told me that I've been unconscious for 4 days. He then told me that somebody wanted to see me. It was the policeman.

"How are you feeling sir?" asked the policeman

I sat up the hospital bed and told him
"I'll feel better if you'll tell me you found my little girl"

"Sir-- we... Couldn't." The policeman answered in tremor

My heart dropped I have lost my daughter and my wife. I lost my 2 dear love ones but I have my vengeance.

My wife died giving birth to my daughter and my daughter..?

This is my past- little girl.

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