We Waited

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Part One

Journal of Shattered. H.

Entry 5

To whom it may concern,

My last entry was written two days ago, so it seems.

It stated that my partner and I had finished our reconnaissance around Sunfire pack's den, and that we would stay one day and one night in total.

I'm writing now to instate that I have near to no recollection of that time.

The past day has been a blur of strange mishaps and misunderstood chills running down my back. The first day's morning was normal in a sense. Gorse woke up after I did and we ate what rations we had left, after so he said that he'd take first watch in investigating the Sunfire wolves.

He came back only two hours later with a tired look on his face, and that's when the first chill hit me like a cold splash of water dripping down my back. He startled me, but not as much as that chill did.

I felt like I was being watched.

But with Gorse standing in front of me, I had no choice but to ignore the feeling and question him on his early retreat back. His face only fell further in confusion,and he explained that he had been out there for his entire shift. Six hours in total, he said.

I corrected him, stating it had been merely two hours since I last saw him.

He only motioned to the sun's position overhead, saying that it was now nearly midday, and that I was wrong.

When I looked, the sun was still where I had last seen it.

I instructed Gorse to get a drink, eat what I had left over for breakfast, and to rest this episode off. Though I am truly concerned over his well being.

When he woke up later, far after I returned from my own watch, he looked lost and unaware of his whereabouts. I heard him start rummaging through our belongings, but when he finally called out for the rest of our pack, that's when I drew the line for his frantic actions.

He was out cold after I lunged, but alive and uninjured for the most part.

I was so afraid that I had harmed the poor buck, but he pulled through the next morning. Even waking on time and doing his watch for the correct amount of time.

He seemed mad at me for knocking him unconscious, but once I told him it was to keep our location safe he understood completely.

Let us hope it does not come down to me doing that again.


Entry 6

Gorse was gone.

He disappeared through the night.

When I woke this morning, his scent was stale as could be and with the morning dew at play I could barely track the direction my comrade ran off in. We discussed the night before that heading to our pack's next settling location would probably be best, but not before I looked at the Sunfire wolves one last time.

I left that night, late, to see what I could find; and I was happy to see our allies unaffected by any dark presences.

The Shadows were not at play in the Sunfire territory. That I can confirm completely.

Though, that still does not explain Gorse .B.'s strange behavior. From teller's all around, his symptoms the day prior was believed to be symptoms of The Shadows' games whirling up for a massacre. But I can't understand as to why there wasn't an immediate attack on the Sunfire wolves.

It's almost sad if you think about it.

Such dark, and sickly creatures can't even hunt properly because of their aura's giving them away and making their prey sick and discombobulated.

The Shadows take pride in their hunts, that much is known on their attitudes. But when things don't run away, their play time is no longer entertaining to say the least. Overwatchers have watched them hunt deer before, and though the stories brought back are useful, it's hard to listen to how those black misted creature's tear the herds apart while their still living and breathing.

Just for not running away, or fighting back.

..I'll wait another day for Gorse .B. to return. If he doesn't I'll head to the next den sight myself and report to the elder of his disappearance.

I hope he's okay.

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