A Shocking Suprise

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"A little help here please..!" Himiko asked as she struggled to get up. "I'll help you." Shuichi said as he lended out his hand and pulled Himiko up from the rocks. Maki was already up. "Woah.." They all said staring into the other world. "So that's the outside world huh?" Maki questioned. "I guess so, it's finally over.." Shuichi added smiling. "Wait so were free now?!" Himiko jumped up and down screaming with joy. "Yep!" Shuichi and Maki responded at the same time. The three laughed and smiled together looking at the outside world. "The pain is finally over." The three smiled happily. "What do we do now? We didn't plan what to do next if we survived. I thought that was the end of us right there." Maki asked curiously. "Yeah me too Maki." Himiko said. "Well..maybe we should give it a shot to the outside world. We can go live freely and live our own lives!" Shuichi answered confidently with a grin. "Your right, there's no place for us here..the fight is already over. It's sad that nearly everyone died..Like Kokichi." Himiko added. "Alright lets go!" Shuichi declared and grabbed both of the two's hands and started heading to the outside world. "HOW RUDE! Did you guys really forget about me? I'm not dead." A voice called out from the rocks as they got up. The trio turned around thinking who could've survived and who just talked.

They all were in shock, confused as hell. "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE!?" They all shouted. "Neheehee, I was gonna ask you guys the same thing." The purple haired figure laughed. Himiko started to remember what the exisal Kokichi said to her back then and blushed silently. "Oooo, why you blushing Himiko? What's wrong? What's wrong? Hey hey!" Kokichi questioned Himiko annoying her. Maki and Shuichi just chuckled while smiling. "Shut up K-Kokichi!" Himiko crosses her arms. "Well someone's angry." Kokichi said with a smile. Kokichi, Shuichi and Maki laughed. Himiko smiled. "Looks like we all survived." Shuichi stated. "Yahoo! Look at the outside world, shining so bright. Like me~" Kokichi said showing a cheeky grin. "Your such an idiot." Maki facepalmed. "You still hate me? Oh well not that surprised anyway." Kokichi grinned. "Well let's go I guess, Maki and Himiko!" Shuichi announced and the three started to run to the outside world. "YOU GUYS ARE SUCH BULLYS! WAIT FOR ME!" Kokichi shouted in a sad voice and started to run after them to the real world.

It's finally over, a new life awaits for them.

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