| Crazy Day |

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The sky was bright blue. Blue like the ocean sea. The sun was shining. It was a pretty hot day, everybody was getting ready for the picnic.

Authors note; Uh I'm gonna do P.OV'S now, but mostly it will be authors POV.

Himiko's POV

I was looking through my room, looking for something cute. "Nyeh..There has to be something!" I pouted and searched everywhere until I picked up a cute outfit on my bed. "This will do." I smiled and put it, then I straightened my hair and put a little bow on top. "I hope it's good enough." I sighed and walked outside the door.

Himiko's Clothes POV

I checked my phone and looked in the groupchat message

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I checked my phone and looked in the groupchat message. "Can't believe there's already a groupchat..this all happened kinda quick." She sighed and read where to go. "Kaede: Meet at the Sakura in Moon Street, you'll see a huge picnic." She nodded. "Nyeh, Guess it's time to live our own lives now.." Himiko smiles warmly and walked outside.

Authors POV

"Hey Himiko!" Shuichi shouted. Himiko stumbled a little by surprise since she was thinking of walking. "Oh..shuichi!" Himiko gasped. Maki and Kokichi were also in the car. "Why do you always have to be here?" Maki scolded. "Hey! Your being rude to your friend you knoowww?" Kokichi said annoyingly. Himiko smiled. She never smiled as much before, she was happy that everything was normal now. Himiko walked to the car and opened the door closing it while getting in. She has to sit next to Kokichi. "It seems like where we're going isn't too far away." Shuichi grinned and started driving. "Are we there yet?? It's taking so loooooong." Kokichi frowned in disappointment. "Kokichi, it's literally only been 5 minutes. Can you wait please?" Shuichi groaned. "Fine." Kokichi mumbled sucking his lollipop. "Nyeh..." Himiko was asleep next to the window, resting her arms. "Oooo Himiko is asleep..time to draw on her face! Nishishi!" Kokichi chuckled and pulled out a marker. "Don't Kokichi." Maki and Shuichi said blankly. "Cmoooon~ Can't I have a little bit of fun?" Kokichi sighed dramatically. "Fine I'll draw something that's not terrible." Kokichi grinned. He drew cat whiskers and a cat nose on her and evil laughed. "See? It's not so bad y'know~" Kokichi smirked. "What did you draw anyway idiot?" Maki turned and looked at Himiko. "Huh? Why did you draw cat ears? Are you dumb?" Maki asked Kokichi. "Hmm, yeah why did you Kokichi?" Shuichi joined in. "Well..doesn't it suit her? She sleeps like a innocent cat. So OBVIOUSLY I'm not "dumb!" It's the truth!" Kokichi smugly said. Maki facepalmed and Shuichi just shrugged.

Maki whispered to Shuichi. "Hey! Why does he like to bother Himiko?" Maki asked. "Dunno..probably because he's taller than somebody for once." Shuichi chuckled. Maki smiled. "I guess that is right." Maki shrugged. "Still, why is it MAINLY himiko?" Maki questioned. "Wait..didn't he say he liked her?" Shuichi quietly gasped. "Oh yeah...I remember that." Maki said blankly. They both looked at eachother with the "Does he have a crush?~" face and both chuckled. "Hey It's been a while since your having fun Maki." Shuichi smiled and Maki nodded. "Well..yeah." Maki scratched her head. They all finally arrived. "Hey can one of you wake up Himiko?" Shuichi suggested. "Oh ok sur-" Maki got interrupted. "I'm HAPPY do to that!" Kokichi smirked. Oh no. Kokichi shouted in Himiko's ear. "WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAAAD!" Kokichi exclaimed. "NYEHH!" Himiko jumped blinking her eyes in shock. She looked at Kokichi pouted angrily. The others were outside. "Uh oh, bye himikooooo~!" Kokichi got out of the car and ran away. "NYEH..! YOU CANT GET AWAY YOU DONKEY!" Himiko shouted and lazily ran after him. Everybody laughed. Maki and Shuichi got out and smiled.

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