in case you don't live forever
thank you for providing me the race experience of a lifetime
despite our differencesi know it can be so much pressure
trying to guide me through my race as someone who's never experienced itbut i see how hard you're working
thank you
you're doing amazing
and for any time you doubt that
know that i don't know any other kid, especially mixed kids
who have had a parent just as committed as you
to learning and providing that for their kidno color will ever keep us apart
yes i am african
and yes i am more than proud of being able to say i have a white mom
who cares more than anything about my experience as a black girl in this world
thank you providing that for me
i am so proud to call you my mommy
in case you don't live forever
Poesíathis is inspired by ben platt and i just want to sho my family how much i love them