Chapter 2

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No one said anything on the back. As soon as the returned Thor flew off to where ever he had to be. (Y/n) stomped off inside before anyone could say anything no one said anything they didn't know what to say They lost they had truly lost and there was nothing to avenge. Half of the universe was gone for good, they weren't coming back.

"What do we do now?" Rhodey asked but no one answered him continuing walking in silence. There was nothing to say, nothing to do. They were done.

Pepper was sitting next to Tony's bed holding his hand as he slept. The weeks in space had weak reduced his body greatly. Doctors, or at least the ones still around, estimated he'd be bedridden for several weeks. Whereas (Y/n) estimated a few days a week at most. Pepper looked up to see (Y/n) lugging in a bucket of water.

"W-what are you doing?" Pepper whispered asked as to not wake up Tony. (Y/n) didn't say anything as she pulled up a chair standing on it Pepper watches as she pulls back the covers and opened his robe. (y/n) stuck her hands in the bucket pulling them out a stream of water follows her hands as she places them on his chest. Pepper watches as (Y/n) closed her eyes and took a deep breath the water on his chest started to glow and seep into his skin. She gasped as she watched all the water disappeared.

"Wha did you do?" Pepper asked looking down at Tony smiling down at him he looked much healthier than before more color in his skin and fat on his bones. He no longer looked like he was on the verge of death. "Thank you," she said with tears in her eyes she reached across him and kissed her forehead "oh thank you, thank you sweetheart. Oh my gosh," Tears of joy decorated Pepper's face as she cried over Tony's body. Taking the now empty (y/n) left Tony and Pepper to themselves and retreated to her room. Where she collapsed from exhaustion.
(Y/n) could feel the hard surface she was sleeping on but was too exhausted to move or get up. Suddenly she felt hands on her immediately she wakes up swinging.
"HEY, HEY... it's me, it's me. It's Carol. Carol" Her eyes adjusted to the light looking around she found Carol backed up against the wall looking bewildered with her hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry"
"You're okay" Carol Chuckled a bit " walked by your room and saw your foot sticking out the door. I came to make sure you were okay and found you sleeping on the floor... Are you okay?"
"Um... yeah just tired." (Y/n) got up on wobbly legs Carol helped her stand up leading her to her bed pulling the covers back and helping her in she tucked her in. Carol made a move to leave (y/n) jumped up grabbing her wrist " Please don't go. Don't leave me. I don't want to be alone. Not again."

Carol sighed Kicking off her boots she climbed into bed with her " Don't worry I'm still here." they both laid together letting the exhausting day catch up with them and weigh them down into a, hopefully, dreamless sleep.

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