The Bad Encounter

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As you walked down to this place that the Moster describes as SnowDin. You oddly felt a feeling of Warmth and comfort. As you got closer and closer to the town. Eventually as you were probably 2 or 1 mile away notice a shack with something inside and as you aproach it it had someone or something sleeping in it....when you looked closely at it....IT WAS THE SKELETON!but wait something was realized that this skeleton had a floofy black jacket with white floof and red outlineing. Then as you were inspecting the monster shuffled, you thi king he just awoke but no.The monster was just adjusting to get more comftrobal in him sleep..but when he did his face was now faceing you..Now you definitely know this isnt the same skeleton as Noticed the Golden tooth and The way he had a cracked skull was nothing like ink.You Started to back away not wanting to disturb. Him....When you were about to Quitely make a perfect steped on a stick...snapping it REALLY LOUDLY. Which Obviously would wake most People up....But maybe this moster wouldn't. So out of fear and adrenalin you for some reason didnt run but you just stayed a frozen an idiot. Though the moster didnt wake up...You sighed in relife, but as you were turning around to start walking you walked into something big and tall.You backed away From The pain of you face planting into something hard, as you cletched your face in pain you were looking to see what you just hit....It was no tree or wall..BUT A 8 FOOT SKELETON WEARING What seemed like armor.You Looked at the skeleton
it was alot more....You would say
.....terrifieing then the other skeletons you have met so far.Which meaning only two.
But this one...did not seem like it had any intention to spare or greet.
No.....It had the intenetion


Fallen Beauti (Ink fell x reader )Where stories live. Discover now