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Joseph was always one for  theatrics. This aspect of him truly awakened and reared its ugly head like the pillar-men however, when he was sick. He would groan and bemoan, sniffle and blow, his nose mercury red, under-eyes puffy and dark as he curled his hulking frame under the soft blankets of your second-hand couch, tan leather jacket at his feet as he stared up at the ceiling dismally.

How this came about?? He was waiting outside. In the rain. For you to return home. His reasoning was that he had to visit you again.... for the fifth time this week. He was adorable. Not at the current moment however. The current moment consisted of the grand climax of sick flirting and ass pinching through a cacophony of sneezes, coughs and whines: "(Y/nnnn)??" He wailed, sniffling: "Why did I wait all those hours outside?!!" "Only god knows Joseph." You answered from the steaming shower.

You knew he was truly sick otherwise you would've seen his obvious head through the crack in the door you left open going: Niiiiiiiceee~! or suavely suggesting that he joined you. He lowly moaned again: "I'm so boreddddd..!!" He groaned, slumping further against your couch, bringing his striped scarf over his runny nose. "Find a way to entertain yourself!" You called back to which he sulked at: "How am I to do that when you're all the way in there??" He moped before staring at his hands as he did his patented thumb trick before giving up moments later. Well this was no fun.

Well, there was always one thing he could do... he managed to grin cheekily.

"(Y/NNNNNNNNN)!!!! (Y/n), (y/n)-!!(Y/nnnnnnnn)~ (Y/N)!! Paging: Dr (L/N)!!!! (YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN)!!" He called, grinning manically despite his state. The door to the bathroom slammed open as you kicked it, your expression foul as you crossed over to him, almost wishing Kars would rocket back from outer space so Jojo would flee 'heroically' (as he so described in his retellings) from your apartment: "What. Do you want???" You spat, hair wringing wet and towel clinging on by a thread, giving Joseph exactly the view he wanted.

Without having to lift a finger!

"Your patient needs love and attention~!" He batted his eyes, grinning eagerly as he pointed to himself. Being sick definitely had it's perks. You stare at him for a moment, weighing up wether or not to just give the man what he wanted or let him suffer. You were about to turn before he beamed at you, a last ditch attempt, almost begging for your affection. How could you say no? He was flapjacking annoying and at times daft in most senses- but he was the cutest brick wall you'd ever seen.

Smirking, you turned: "I'm afraid I can't. I heard that Zeppelli wasn't feeling all too well himself, maybe I should go and check up on him-" Checkmate Joestar. He gasped, genuinely offended: "You wouldn't-!!" "Oh but I would." He pouted at you: "But look at this face! It needs just as much attention, if not more than Caesar Nazi Zeppelin-I!!" He pleaded. You quirked a brow at him before he harrumphed, rolling over to hide his face: "Fine then, visit the cheese ball! See if I care!"

You chuckled, placing a kiss against his chestnut hair: "You're such a child.." You admonished before he turned over, burly arms settling around your waist, drawing you closer till his face was against your thighs, muffling: "Am not, I'm roguishly charming, it's written on my face!" You laughed at this before prying yourself away. "Whatever you say Joestar~" he watched as you trailed away, hips swaying in a way that would've had him pouncing if he weren't couch-ridden.

The most he could do was an: "Oh my god!" Under his breath, wolf-whistling lowly. He sighed, he was incredibly lucky that he had you, he was also incredibly lucky that Caesar was his translator through all the: "Uh-I-Errr"'s when he first met you. It was a few minutes before you came back, hair towel dried and your fresh body clothed in one of Joseph's stollen collar shirts.

"I was looking for that one!" He smirked: "But I insist you keep it, it looks better around your fine a-" "Stop flattering Joestar, do you want some soup??" You cut off abruptly, bopping his nose. His eyes bulged: Soup? Specially for him?? While a hot girl made it in his shirt?!! Heck yeah!! He'd have to get sick more often! "Niiiiiiiiceeee~" he mused; "What was that??" You quirked a brow: "Nothing!" He grinned. Narrowing your gaze at him suspiciously, you made way to the kitchen, this was gonna be good—

— "(Y/NNNNNNNNNN)....! This soup you made is burning me!!" "Stop complaining or i'll give it to Caesar..." Muffled grumbling ensued as you heard a slurp: "Ow Ow Ow!!!" You giggled, passing the couch before he interrupted, setting the soup aside: "Say (Y/n)..." he began in a purr, his hand brushing your waist gingerly. You looked over as he gave you an attempted sultry smirk. Given, he looked quite ridiculous with the red nose. You smiled. "How bout you slip an IceCube into that pretty little mouth and kiss me to help me cool down-?" He waggled his brows.

"Not a chance Joestar. If you were really that sick you would be that feverish that the last thought In your mind would be kissing me-" "Aw, come now (Y/N)!" He began, gathering you into his lap with what surprising strength and energy he still had, cuddling up slyly to your breasts: "How can I sit still with an angel waiting on me hand and foot?" You sighed, getting up with a smirk: "Your fever as spiked, you're hallucinating. Catch some rest Joestar." "But y/n!! I-It's just a little cold! Please come back!"

You turned, Brow cocked as he gave you the best sick puppy eyes he could manage, clasping his hands under his chin. You wavered before looking away in defeat. "Damn you and your good looks Joestar!" He grinned in victory, smugly smirking. "Fine, but if you even think about doin' anything frisky with me you're out!" You griped, jutting your thumb towards the door as you clambered atop of him gently. "I give you my word as a gentleman... but can you grant this poor, sick sinner one *cough* dying request??" He batted his lids: "And what would that be?" You sighed in annoyance. He just loved teasing you.

"One kiss (Y/n)!" He stated simply... which in his case meant added, completely unnecessary flair. "Just one kiss??" "Yes, unless you beg for more..~!" He winked, charmer as ever. It just got better with age. You blinked before grabbing his shirt with a fervour that always managed to gain his respect before pressing you lips to his, gentle as to not unsettle his 'sickness'. He, however, pulled you down to his chest, pressing his tender lips harder against yours. Your hands tightly gripped his scarf. "Y-You said one kiss-" you murmured against his loving assault.

He smirked cheekily: "Your kisses are helping me overcome my: 'little cold' (y/n)..." he moaned, pressing feather-light kisses 'round the base of your neck.


"Damn you Jojo!!!"

(A.N: 'Nother day, 'nother one-shot. I think I'm getting rather good at this, let me know what you thought! More to come, at least that one was shorter than the last O w O' Hope you enjoyed and as always, comments, votes, the works are all appreciated here, don't be shy! Thanks for reading- To be continued!!! *cue roundabout*)

|========> To be continued...

Next time on JJBA:
Caesar x Reader: Caesar Dressing

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