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Adrien felt awkward, he regretted accepting on tagging along with them. He was feeling nervous with every burning glares sent across him every once in a while.

'What did I do to deserve this?' He sighed.

"So Adrikins, where do you want to go?" Chloe asked with anticipating eyes.

"Uhm... no where specific. Where you not the one wanting to go out to get some things?" He raise a brow.

"Oh yeah, let's go to that shop I would like to get some new clothes." She said as she took Adrien's arm and pulled him with her leaving Marinette following behind by herself.

Marinette felt so out of place, she didn't know where to head or what to do. She didn't need to get anything so it was hard for her to look for something to maybe get.

Stuck in her thoughts she lost the 2 and ended up all by herself. She tried walking around looking inside the shops they might have went inside to but she wasn't lucky enough to find them.

She sighed and found a small but cute looking cafe. If she didn't know better she would've thought it was a cafe in her own town.

She decided to go in and order something since she had nothing better to do. She took a seat and waited patiently for someone to come and take her order.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?" The worker asked.

"Hello! I would like to have the strawberry cheesecake and what sort of drinks do you recommend?" She asked.

"Well, since you seem like a person who likes sweet things I'd recommend the strawberry flavored smoothie." The waiter smiled kindly at her.

"I'll take that then!" She sent a smile back.

Not too long after the waiter came back with her order and placed it infront of her. "I'm currently on my break now, do you mind if I sit here?"

"Of course not! Feel free to sit here." She smiled.

"You're the Princess aren't you?" He asked.

"H-How did you know?" She blondes in confusion.

"You've been the main topic for the past few weeks and not many humans come here because they're scared of meeting the vampires." He laughed.

"Are you a vampire?" She asked not sure of the answer.

"Half!" He said. "My father is a vampire and my mother is a human."

"Oh, that's a first for me!" She exclaimed.

"How is it here?" He asked.

"Pretty normal, I honestly don't feel like I left my town. I almost mistook this cafe to a cafe in my town." She smiled sadly.

"You miss your town right?" He asked.

"I do. I miss my parents, my friends and my people!" She said sadly.

"Why don't you ask your husband if you can go back for a bit?" He asked curiously.

"I don't want to bother him! And besides it hasn't been long since I left so he'd think I'm stupid." She said.

"He might be understanding." He said.

"He might be but I don't want to risk it." She said. "We had a fight a few days ago and we just made up so I should wait."

"Already?" He asked surprised.

"Believe it or not yes we did." She smiled.

"May I ask for the reason?" He asked.


She was stopped by the person standing right next to the waiter who was seated infront of her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked madly.

"I lost the 2 of you so I decided to take a seat somewhere and order something." She said.

"You could've looked for us instead of sitting with a stranger." He said.

"I did but I didn't find you." She said.

"You could've searched harder." He semi-shouted but tried to hide so that he doesn't attract the attention.

"Excuse me Prince bu-" The waiter tried to speak but was stopped by the glare being sent to him by Adrien.

He walked towards Marinette and harshly grabbed her hands making her stand up immediately.

"Hey Adrien! That's not very nice of you." She said angrily.

"Not nice? How so? Imagine me looking for you and searching desperately because I feared something might have happened to you to only find you sitting with someone who I don't even know!" He said angrily.

"I'm sorry! But really he wasn't doing anything he just sat down because he had a break and I was all alone." She said trying to calm him down.

"If he had a break he could've gone somewhere else not sit down with a married woman." He said.

Marinette rolled her eyes and turned towards the waiter who seemed confused. "I'm sorry uhm....."

"Luka." He said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Luka!" She said.

"No problem! I'd do the same thing if I was in his shoes." He smiled.

"Thank you! It was nice meeting you!" She smiled and started walking away before Adrien would say anything.

"Before you say anything, I'm sorry okay?" She looked at him.

"Yeah, right!" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious! I didn't mean to frighten you." She said. "I just looked but didn't find you anywhere."

"Okay I get it." He said ignoring her.

"Oh speaking of that, where is Chloe?" She asked.

He stood silent for a bit before speaking. "Well. Let's say I left her in the dressing room when I realized you were gone." He smiled softly.

"She deserves that!" Marinette smirked.

Sadly not too long after, Chloe came running towards them with bags in her hands.

"That wasn't so nice Adrikins! How could you leave me when I could've gotten lost." She said with fake sad eyes.

"You know the entire place so you wouldn't have." He said as he walked infront of the 2 girls.

'So I guess he gets jealous too!' Marinette smiled to herself.

This chapter is long right? Probably the longest I've ever written.

Thank you for being patient with me! And I'll try to update soon once again.

If I don't by the new year then imma tell you 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' from now.

Thank you for reading up till chapter and have a nice day!

Arranged marriage (vampire version)Where stories live. Discover now