Chapter One:Meeting

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Chapter One:Meeting
            Roxas was lying in his bed until his dad called him downstairs to the living room he grabs his cell and puts it in his pocket and walks down to the living room his dad tells him to sit down and he is down there with his boyfriend zack roxas looks to his dad cloud and he says "son me and zack are getting married".

Roxas grins surprisingly and hugs his dad and says "since we are getting married zacks kids are gonna come live with us" roxas looked to zack he didn't realize zack had kids and roxas asks "uh zack I didn't know you had kids".

Zack laughs and smiles at how serious roxas was and says "I have three kids sora being the oldest kairi being the middle child and xion the baby" roxas looks surpised and says "ok thats cool so whats gonna be the room arrangements?".

Cloud pats his shoulder and says "for now you and sora will share a room and kairi and xion will turn the guest room into there room" roxas nodds and asks "so when do I get to meet my new siblings? i've always wanted a brother".

Zack laughs and cloud says "you will meet them at the wedding ok and thats in a few months so thats when you'll meet them" roxas sighs and asks "is that all?" cloud nodds and roxas walks back up to his room and lays on his bed thats one way to start my summer off.

~7 Months Later~
Roxas is trying to fix his tie until his soon to be step dad walks in and helps him and roxas asks "so how old is sora?".
Zack smiles and says "he is 18 he's a senior this year he wants to go to hallow bastion but I want him to go to twilight university but I can't choose for him".

Roxas nodds and says "I plan on going to twilight university too gotta wait 4 years though" zack smiles and giggles and says "what do you wanna major in?".

Roxas sighs and says "probably child protective services you know adoption and stuff like that" Zack nodds and says "I think you'd be good at that I can see it".
Roxas sighs as zack finishes tying the tie and roxas takes a deep breath and goes to find his dad he is walking him down the isle since clouds dad had never been in the picture and they start walking down the isle.

Roxas holding clouds hand and when they get halfway down the isle roxas see's a brunette with blue eyes standing behind zack must had been his best man staring at him roxas smiles at him he blushes slightly and turns his gaze back to cloud.
When they reach the alter roxas stands behind cloud and the preacher says "dearly beloved we are gathered here today to unite two people in love now who gives this man to zack?".

Roxas smiles with a tear streaming down his cheek and speaks up "I do" his voice cracking a little bit cloud turns around and holds his hand from behind roxas smiles and they finally let go of each others hand and the preacher continues "Love is giving love is kind love doesn't know gender or color or age the rings please".
A little solid black haired girl walks up to zack and cloud and hands them to cloud and zack.

Zack smiles and leans down and kisses her cheek she smiles and roxas holds out his hand for her and she takes it and stands with roxas she was maybe 7 or 8 years old and the preacher says "zack place this ring on clouds finger and say with this ring I thee wed".
zack smiles and slides the ring onto clouds finger and says "with this ring I thee wed" cloud smiles as he starts crying and the preacher repeats again "cloud place this on zacks finger and say with this ring I thee wed".

Cloud smiles and slides the ring on his finger and say "with this ring I thee wed" the preacher smiles and says "by the powers vested in me I now pronounce you husband and husband" zack smiles and then the preacher stops and the little girl next to roxas says "well kiss him already".

Zack laughed and cloud turns around and roxas covers her mouth and does the shh symbol and everyone died laughing and zack kisses cloud and roxas walked down the isle with her and roxas says "you got some spunk little girl".
She smiles and after the pictures was taken everyone was ready to eat and cloud grabs roxas from the crowd and says "ready to meet your siblings?".

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