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I looked at the book in front of me, the big book was glowing a pale gold and dark purple. Golden carvings on it's side and back. As I open the 'Evil Queen' page of the book, I was sucked into a vision. Dark skies loomed above me, I struggled to see anything for a few seconds, until my eyes adapted. I could make out torches in the dark, about a kilometer away. As they got closer I realized they were going after me. As I stood up to run, it felt like my feet were glued to the ground. The voices of the angry villagers were louder, screaming and cussing.

"Where is that Evil Queen?! I'm going to kill her to spell hell!" "She must be hiding in the dark!" "Hey! there she is!"

As soon as they found me, I disappeared, and found myself in a new vision. This time the villagers didn't held any torches, but they were just as vicious. I wanted to talk, to speak, but I was gagged, and I lost my voice. All I could do was walk while my hands were tied behind my back. Pitchforks stabbed me, I wanted to scream and wail in agony, but I couldn't, I had too keep it in. I closed my eyes as the largest pitchfork stabbed me. Pain surged through my body.

I opened my eyes to see the audience. Sweat was dripping down my face and I was sure my face was a deep shade of red. On my left were my friends, the rebels, looking at me with concern. I could sense their sympathy at me, but at the same time, I could sense Headmaster Grimm's anger at me. Apple was behind me, jumping of excitement, muttering "Please, please, please..."

I then looked back at the book, and as I brought the quill to sign it, a voice appeared in my head. Don't do it. It'll cost you your life, your friends, you would be hated by everyone. My hands wavered. You could be FREE. Hearing that, I dropped the quill, and closed the book.

"NO" Shouted Headmaster Grimm behind me. A look of terror washed on his face. I looked around and saw that everyone's face was washed with terror and fear. The book exploded. My hands were like on fire, burning but there was no fire. The book was intact, looking as perfect as ever. Then, suddenly a column of purple shot up the book, shocking everyone, even the earth. A wave of fear came to me. Why did I do that? I looked around again, and saw that my friends were trying to approach me, trying to pull me away from the book.

With anger, fear, and regret, I touched the burning book. My hands burned, my skin peeling. My friends were still trying to pull me away, but I had to open the book, I had to sign it. Then, my hands cooled down. The column of purple energy disappeared, the skies went back to blue. "Phew!" shouted Briar. That was a mistake. The purple energy shot up again, but this time a purple portal appeared. It sucked me and all the others who were near the podium, all my friends. I hung on to the podium as hard as I could, but it was useless. We were sucked into the portal.

Inside, my head swirled. It felt like an eternal wonderland. My vision was blurry, but I could make out Apple, Briar, Maddie, Cedar, Hunter, Ashlynn, Blondie, Daring, Dexter, and Cupid. They were all screaming for help, which was useless, of course. The walls that surrounded us were mainly purple, but had a pinch of gold in it. They swirled, or was that because of my head? Either way, I was so close to vomiting, good thing I had magic.

Then, a bright light appeared that seemed to burn us off. It stung my whole body, and possible burned some of my hair. After the burning and stinging, I and the others fell down on our butts, except for Derek who was lying down face first. Looking around, we seemed to be in an alleyway, at night, in a rich neighborhood. Oh no, this can't be happening! Was this the fantasy in the book? Am I going to be killed?

"Hey, Raven where are we? Where is Headmaster? This is so not spelltastic! Where are my parents? How do we get back? The book?...." asked Apple, in a storm. "I-" before I could answer a voice came from the entrance of the alleyway. "You're in New York. Well, the good part at least." I looked up, it was an spellementary aged boy, around 9 years old.

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