Oh Sweet Precious

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Oh sweet precious poison How I desire your oh so pleasing taste As I put you to my lips I slowly inhale and my mind is put as ease and my troubles melt away I feel steady and in control the taste registering me okay
in the moment a satisfaction overcomes my body I can not be defeated
oh precious how I desire you my body feels tired I find myself anixious but I know you will stand by my side
oh precious I feel drained as if all matter for life no longer has meaning I find myself needing you here more each day
oh precious poison I feel life draining with each inhale I take from you
oh precious how did you do this to me when I have been so loyal
oh precious I can't give you up but your breaking me down and my life is on the line
oh precious I have been deceived by your loering sweet taste and your good feelings you put into my mind
I have found you out and I'm through with your lies I have overcome you outgrown you and I'm better

By Kati Stein

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