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"Are you fucking kidding me Liv!?"  my foster father's voice booms from down the hall.  I quietly sob into my sleeve.  My back pressed against my bedroom door. 

"You son of bitch!  I know you took my money!  Too lazy to make your own goddamned cash."  His voice booms as he gets closer.  I quickly scramble to my feet, running to the side of my bed.  I grab the duffle bag from under my bed.  The money aligned within the perimeter of the black bag.  I take a sharp breath as I begin to store as many of my belongings in the bag as I can.

The knob on my door moves rapidly, loud thumps followed.

"Olivia Smith James open this goddamned door right now!" 

I slip my hoodie on and my black timberlands before zippering the black bag and throwing it over my shoulder.  In a swift movement I stand beside my window and push it open.  The crisp December air hits my face.  I gently throw one leg mh over the window ledge.  It's a far jump but if I land correctly, I might not break anything. 

I take a sharp breath and jump.  I land in the small rose bush, thankful and surprised that I wasn't stabbed like a pincushion by the thorns.  Then I run.  I run as fast as I could.  I was never the most athletic person, but the adrenaline coursing through me is causing me to be otherwise. 

After various turns on streets, I stop running.  My throat ran dry and my stomach cramped making me groan. That adrenaline boost didn't last long.  After a few deep breaths I begin to walk.  The black duffle bag still thrown over my shoulder.  Soon enough I come across a small diner. 

"Got to keep moving Liv"  I say to myself.  My stomach grumbles in response.  I let out a huff before deciding to go in. 

"I don't think it's a good idea to walk into a diner with a duffle bag in hand.  Don't you think?"  A deep accented voice says.  My head snaps in their direction.  A tall man stood a few feet away from me. 

"I wasn't going to take it in there with me.  Besides mind your own damn business,"  I snap.  He takes a few steps towards me, his appearance now becoming easier to identify.  He had a head full of dark chestnut curls.  He wore tight black jeans and black leather boots.  A plain white t-shirt accompanied the upper half of his body.  The tattoos that littered across his skin clearly visible.  I thought I was tall....but he was so much taller. 

His dark emerald eyes pierced into mine before he spoke.

"No need to get all defensive love, although I like it.  Have a bite with me?"  By his heavy accent and dimpled smirk, I'm sure he doesn't hear no often.

"Thanks, but no thanks,"  I say before I toss my bag behind a small bush. 

"Suit yourself, was only trying to be polite."  He held his hands up in surrender before walking ahead of me and into the diner.  I walk in behind him, a small bell chiming.

"Hello welcome to Appetizing Amy's, table for two?"  The middle aged waitress greets. 

The stranger turns around, once again giving me that dimpled smirk. 

"No, I'll have my own table,"  I glare at him before directing my attention to the waitress.

"Alright well  both of you follow me then,"  she smiles.  I stood a few feet ahead of the man.  I could feel his eyes burn through me.

There were two open booths.  I slide into mine as the man slid into his.  We were facing one another. 

After we both ordered our food arrive simultaneously.  Between bites I would catch a few glances from the man.  Even while eating he was attractive.  As strange as that sounds, but it's true.  After he finishes he wipes the napkin across his pink lips. 

Within minutes I was also done with my meal. 

My eyes widen as I remembered that all the money I have is in my duffle bag...which was outside.

"Shit,"  I mumble.

Within seconds a loud gunshot booms within the diner, causing everyone to jolt and scream from their seats.  My eyes widen as the man stood with gun in hand.  A backpack accompanied the other.  When did he even bring that in?

"Cell phones and cash on the tables then get on the ground.  Now!"  He shouts.  I sat frozen in fear as everyone followed his orders.  He slid in all the objects he demanded into his bag with the gun.  He didn't seem phased by the fact that I haven't moved a muscle.

Slient prayers and whimpers were all that were heard. 

"Call the police!"  someone yells.

"If you call the police they will find this place being a bloody massacre.  So I'd think twice before doing that!"  The man barks. 

Within minutes sirens were heard and gunshots were fired.

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