Chapter Eleven

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Diane summoned him again within a few hours. She immediately informed him he was free to go, again with a bit of annoyance like this was something that she didn't want to do but had to do. He ignored her temperament and left the building they were in. She was now staying in a small house just on the edge of town. This would give him more time to spend within the city limits before they left this place together.

He walked quickly through the city and towards the kids' house. It wasn't something he considered his own anymore. Walking in they all greeted him. Gwen had the table prepared for dinner so they could all sit around and eat. He gently declined the food, "Sorry I am not very hungry. But I will sit here and keep you all company." He said to the two kids.

After dinner he helped with their baths and told them a story. Brian wanted to sleep next to Arianne still. Once they were asleep, he kissed them gently and quietly left the room. Gwen was waiting for him in the hallway. "I am surprised that you still play father now that you're a demon." She said to him like she didn't understand it.

Andrew shook his head, "It's not something I would think you would understand." Although, she was right. He still cared for the kids, but not like he used to. They, just like his father, were a distant memory. He knew how it felt to love the kids, but he no longer felt it. It was just muscle memory at this point. Although, the thought of anything actually happening to the kids did bring him a bit of pain. He wanted them to live their lives out and be safe, other than that he didn't need to be there for them anymore than he had to. Needing to share any type of space with their mother only made those feelings grow.

She turned and headed towards the bedroom and he followed, much to his displeasure. Clearly everything he had done to her the night before wasn't enough to chase her away. Maybe trying it rough wasn't the way to get her to give up on him. He shut the door behind him and turned towards his wife who was already undressing on the bed. "Last night wasn't enough for you?" He said to her.

"That was just a taste of what is to come. I drank a health potion afterwards and had to touch myself. This time I want a little taste of your blood." She told him.

Andrew walked over to her and crawled onto the bed with her. He crawled on top of her and leaned down a bit, so she was being dominated by him. "I am not changing you yet." He said to her.

She bit her lip, "You don't need to change me. I just want a taste."

Leaning down he started kissing her making his way from her lips, down her neck, and down the rest of her body. She shuddered at every kiss, as though anticipating his bite. Andrew made sure to draw it out for as long as he could. Her arousal and the sweat coming off of her body was making it difficult to hold back. Already his teeth were starting to come down and his mouth was starting to water. He remembered what X'heve had said about manipulating people with his blood. Now would be the perfect opportunity to test out his new abilities and see how it all worked. At the very least she could make herself useful in that way.

Andrew made his way back up to her neck and started kissing, he was about to bite into her when she stopped him. "I want you to enter first, then you can have the treat." He growled, who was she to be giving him orders? Didn't she know her place yet? He quickly removed his clothing and threw them across the room. Not wanting to waste anymore time he slipped inside of her, but he didn't thrust. Instead he inserted himself and then leaned down to bite into her neck. She squirmed and moaned a bit, but she wouldn't get the opportunity to deny him again. He would have what he wanted, and she would have to follow along to whatever he wanted her to do.

As he drank, he pinned her arms above her head. He kept himself steady on top of her and she moaned and tried to move her hips underneath of him, however he was too powerful for her and he didn't budge. Her blood flowing into his mouth was everything that he wanted. Nothing else mattered. It was difficult to pull away once he realized he was reaching her limit before he would either need to change her or let her die, and neither of those were an option. He pulled away and bit his tongue drawing out a little blood before his tongue healed. Forcing his lips onto hers he forced her mouth open and gave her a little taste of his blood. She became more aggressive with her return, begging for more. He could feel his power inside of her. As though a part of him was there. He willed her to stop, and she immediately stopped. Pulling away slightly he looked down at her with a smirk on his face, this was about to get fun...for him. She was always the one to get her way during their intimate moments, this time she would do whatever he wanted to please himself. The best part was, he didn't even need to say anything, all he had to was will her to do it.

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