28. The Betrayal

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After convincing and trying to make up with her best friend for the past thirty minutes over the phone, Anna finally succeeded

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After convincing and trying to make up with her best friend for the past thirty minutes over the phone, Anna finally succeeded. Clary was really upset with her for not telling her about the incident but everything was fine now. They talked for another thirty minutes over the call and Anna told her everything that happened during her stay in the De Luca's mansion. She even told her about Leo as well.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you." Clary squealed over the phone. "Finally you are dating. Leo is damn Lucky to be your first."

"I am his first too," Anna remarked shyly.

"What! Damn girl! You two are made for each other." The line went silent for some seconds before Clary clear her throat teasingly. "Soon you're going to be an adult this week, what're you planning to do?"

"I don't know," She shrugged off.

"Oh—you're so boring, BFF." Clary rolled her eyes over, "Why don't you go out and make love with Leo?" she suggested.

"Shut up, Clary." She chided.

"Just kidding, Saint." She laughed throatily over the call. "Alright, girl, I'm gonna hang up now. I'll come and see you tomorrow at the restaurant. Goodnight, my man and yeah, give a thought about my suggestion."

"You're really wishing for a death wish." Anna heard her laughing. "Goodnight to you too, my girl." She said and cut the call. She placed her cellphone over the nightstand and leaned back comfortably against the headrest. Staring up at the ceiling, she wandered in her thought. She has not seen Leo since yesterday. She suddenly felt the need to see him and hear his soothing voice right now. She wanted to tell him about today's incident happened at the mall but thought that it will only make him worry. And right on cue, her phone started vibrating over the nightstand. She reached for her phone and stared at it. It was a video call from Alesso. And as she received the call, three handsome faces appeared on her screen.

"Hi, Anna!" they greeted her in unison. She couldn't help but laugh at them.

"Hello, gentlemen. What's up with the video call?"

"We just wanted to see you," Alesso answered.

"We planned on coming today to see you at your restaurant but works kept us away from you," Nicolo said but he was not complaining.

"I understand—"

"But I'm coming tomorrow to see you, Anna," Nicolo promised.

"Okay, I'll be waiting."

"How's your shoulder now, Anna?" Roberto asked.

"It's totally fine. By the way, where is Leo?" Anna couldn't help but ask.

"He's in the bathroom, taking shower," Roberto answered. "And we are in his room right now."

"Do you want to look around his room?" Alesso said and started to move his phone around.

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