Candy Canes and Mistletoe (but all of it means nothing, without you.)

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Christmas, Mistletoe and teen gay's.

I really hope I did my own prompt some good.

AN: So, I saw a post ( katieisagoddess. tumblr. com/ post/189875077424 ) on Tumblr, and just had to write a Rizzles fic... Hope this suffices. All written within an hour, so apologies for mistakes. It was a rush job for no reason at all other than I just needed to get it out there for you all to enjoy... If you enjoy it, please let me know? (:

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"Janie, come on! Hurry up, put those long legs to use."

Jane groaned and walked faster, catching up to her mother as the bitter winds chilled her cheeks and the icy air nipped at her nose.

"Ma, you're making me carry everything," Jane whined, grunting as a snowball hit her in the back. "Why can't Frankie and Tommy help?"

"Jane, would you just hurry up?" Angela sighed, turning to face her daughter as she loaded her one bag into the back of the car as Frankie and Tommy rushed to fight over the front seat.

Jane loaded the five bags she had bundled in her arms into the car beside her mother's bag and slammed the boot shut, grumbling as she slid into the back seat about how she always had to do everything.

"Now boys," Angela started when she got in the car and turned the key, listening to the engine rumble as she fiddled with the knobs, turning the heat on. "When we get home, I want you to go out and make yourself scarce, okay? I don't want you two running in and out of the kitchen while Jane and I are making dinner and preparing for tomorrow. Got it?"

"Yes, Ma," the two boys chorused.

Jane slouched in her seat, folding her arms.

She couldn't wait to finish school so she could move far away.

One more year. She thought to herself, looking out the window at the snow built up on the side of the road from the plough that had run through there not long ago.

"Ma, do I have to go to the party tomorrow night?" Jane asked, looking over the front seat at her mother who was busy throwing a hand gesture to another driver as if to say 'what are you doing?'

"Of course you do, Janie. The whole town's going to be there. You need to meet some nice boys your age, work on-"

Gagging, Jane elbowed Frankie hard in the ribs as he forcefully held his laughter in.

"You need to be there, okay Jane?"

Sighing, Jane turned her head to keep looking out the window.

"Whatever," the brunette grumbled, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.

-- -- -- --

Across town, Maura was waiting for her mother and father to get back from yet another function as she read a book in the study, curled up by the roaring fireplace.... Or crackling.

She set her book aside as she heard the sound of the door shutting in the foyer and made her way across the study, poking her head out from behind the half-opened door.

She fully made herself seen when she saw her parents shedding their coats and talking about another dinner they needed to attend the following night.

Maura's face dropped. Were they honestly going to leave her alone on Christmas?

"Maura, there you are, Dear. Did you have something to eat?"

"Yes, mother. I did, are you going out again tomorrow night?" Maura asked, hoping she'd heard them wrong.

Candy Canes and Mistletoe (But all of it means nothing, without you.)Where stories live. Discover now