Chapter 8

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I slid down the tile wall of the bathroom. I put one hand over my stomach and the other gripping the stick. Silent tears fell from my eyes and onto my shirt. I felt Eleanor sit down beside me and she wrapped her arms around me. She took one of her hands and took the stick. I felt her press her head against mine.

“Gracie this is wonderful!” I shook my head no.

“It may never know who their daddy is. I’m too young to do this on my own. I can’t handle a baby. Especially if it has Harry’s eyes. I can’t live without him. I can’t deal with myself without him.” she pulled me close and let me cry.

“Why don’t we go outside for a little? Get some fresh air.” I nodded as we went back out. We sat down on a bench and I put my head on her lap.

“You’re going to be a mummy. You should be happy.”

“But without harry,-“                                                  

“Gracie, your being silly. Harry will be alright. He will make it. Just don’t think about the negative way this could go. Be happy. He will be fine.”

“What if we don’t want the baby?”

“It’s up to you both.” I nodded.

“Let’s go back in.” I said, “just don’t tell anyone yet.” We got up and walked back in. we walked into the room and the guys were just waiting and talking quietly.

“Hey,” Liam said. I smiled and said hi back.

“What did you do?”

“Sat outside.” Eleanor said.

“Whatca guys talking about?” I asked going next to the empry chair next to Harry.

“If we should still perform tonight.” Niall said sadly.

“I think you should do it for Harry. Dedicate to him and to a moment of silence. he would want you guys too.” They all looked at each other and Eleanor nodded her head agreeing with me.

“Nothing will happen. If anything happens while you’re gone. We call Paul and tell him.” Eleanor said and I agreed.

“Yeah we promise. Good or bad we’ll call.” They nodded.

“For harry.” Zayn said putting his hand in the middle of them.

“For harry.” They all said following Zayn’s actions. They all said goodbye to Harry and left for the show.

“I’ll go get us dinner?” Eleanor offered.

“Okay. Sounds good.” I said giving her a little money for food. I turned the chair to face harry and took his hand and placed it on my stomach.

“I don’t know if you can hear me, but you’re going to be a daddy. I’m really scared, Harry. I’m not ready for this. I’m still young for this. I’m scared of the pain. I love you.” I said kissing his cheek. Eleanor came back with two slices of Pizza and a bag.

“What’s in the bag?” I asked. She smiled and handed it to me. I opened it. I pulled out two teddy bears, one pink and one blue.

“I wanted to be the first one to give you something. I got two because I didn’t know what one so yeah.” I smiled.

“Thank you.” I said putting them back in the bag and on the window ledge.

We ate and talked for a while and I fell asleep next to Harry with our hands interlocked.

Harry’s View

God where I am? Why is it so dark? What happened after the crash? Did I die? Oh my god what about Gracie? Suddenly I realized I had my eyes closed. I opened them to a dark boring gray room. Everything was achy. I felt someone on my hand and looked over to see Gracie’s tired face and her hand locked in mine. Eleanor was on the corner and the boys, where were they? What day is it? They had a show coming up. I moved over to caress Gracie’s cheek but instead I must have move to far sending a beeping noise into the silent room. Eleanor woke up then Gracie followed by nurses checking on me. They took forever to go away. Gracie was still next to me with tears rolling down her cheeks. The nurses left.

“I’ll give you a few minutes.” Eleanor said getting up and walking out.

“HI Gracie,” I said as she cried harder.

“I love you.” she whispered to me. I smiled.

“I love you too. Come here.” I said waving her over.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” she said looking at my broken leg. I shook my head.

“You won’t. I’ll tell you if you do.” she nodded and walked slowly over to me and I pulled her into my arms.

“I’m sorry.” she whispered into my ear. “This was all my fault.”

“No don’t say that. It wasn’t. If I hadn’t forgotten about dinner none of this would’ve happened.”

“No it shouldn’t matter who’s fault it is. You’re here.” She said crying into my neck. “I thought I lost you.”

“Gracie, I love you and I would never leave you.”

Gracie’s View

Harry moved over and I climbed into the bed with him. He held me tight and I calmed down in his arms. Eleanor came back in saying she called the boys and they were coming soon.

I was just falling asleep and they came in, relieved to see him awake. I stayed in bed with him all night. I placed his hand in mine and fell asleep.

When I woke up, Harry was up and so was everyone else. I couldn’t help but smile looking at him.he bent his head down and kissed me on my lips and I couldn’t help but smile through it. He pulled back tucking a loose strand of hair behind my head. Eleanor gave me a “did you tell him” look and I shook my head no.

“How about we let you guys talk and we’ll go eat.” Eleanor said. Niall was sold and stood up causing Harry to laugh. Eventually they all agreed and left.

“After I get out of here, I’m taking you out for dinner and we get can drunk if you want.” I giggled then shook my head.

“I can’t.” I said.

“Why?” he asked nuzzling his head in my neck and kissing it. He knew this drove me crazy (in a good way). I took his hand.

“cause.” I said casually. He kissed me more.

“Tell me baby.”

“Will you be mad?”


“Will you still love me?”

“Gracie, of course! I’ll love you forever through anything life makes us face. Baby, I love you.” he said looking at me with concern written all over his eyes. I nodded and put his hand on my stomach. It took him a few seconds to think it threw.

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