Chapter 14: Fears

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DISCLAIMER: I know, I know...It's repetitive XD But I'm putting this on every chapter! ^_^ I do not own Twilight or any of its characters.


Emmett stopped dead on his tracks. All our eyes were now on Bella.

"Well... only if I concentrate. If not, you're just a blur running around the house"

"That's interesting. A regular human shouldn't even see any 'blur'" Jasper said curiously.

"Looks like Edward not being able to read your mind is not the only thing that's unique about you" Alice said.

"Son, I think it's time" Carlisle suddenly said. We need to show her where we found her. The only thing that can answer all our questions is if she remembers.

"How do you know it's going to work?" I asked.

"What would work? What's Carlisle talking about Edward?" Bella insisted.

"It's nothing. He wanted us to show you where we found you hoping it might jog your memory. I don't think it would help though" I sounded unconvinced.

"It's worth a try. I've got nothing to lose" Bella shrugged.

But I do. I stopped myself. Where did that thought come from?

"Alright" Carlisle interrupted my thoughts "Edward, why don't you let Bella got some rest? It's getting dark. We'll go first thing tomorrow morning" I nodded half-heartedly and led Bella outside the house and to the cottage.

We arrived at the cottage and after eating her dinner, I excused myself, so I could hunt and promised to be with her when she sleeps. I stopped by the house but when I arrived, I could hear the rest of the family discussing.

"I don't understand why we all have to go. Why can't Edward just take her there and be done with it?" Rosalie was arguing.

"Bella is a part of our family now and she needs our support. Now more than ever." Esme reasoned out.

Like I don't have anything else better to do. I heard the sarcastic tone on her thought.

"C'mon Babe. We can always leave them there and go someplace to hunt" Emmett suggested. Rosalie looked at him then rolled her eyes. "Fine"

"Carlisle, isn't it too soon for her to remember? What if... she can't handle the truth? What if it doesn't work? We'll just be giving her false hope" I tried to explain.

"Bella deserves to know the truth and she said it herself. She already lost her memory, what has she got to lose?" Jasper was the one to answer.

"Edward... Why do I get the feeling that you don't want Bella to remember?" Alice asked suspiciously.

"What are you talking about?" It's not that I don't want Bella to remember but I just don't think that now is the time for her to get her memories back with all that's happening to her.

"Duh. Isn't it obvious" Rosalie chimed in. "He's afraid that if Bella remembers, she might leave him. You know, go back to where she came from and all, and leave him forever"

"Rosalie!" Esme reprimanded.

"What?! Look at him. Just the thought of Bella leaving is already giving him that miserable look on his face" Rosalie was gesturing her arms at me. Was I miserable? I don't understand.

"Rosalie has a point. What if Bella remembers that she has a family she needs to return to or a husband..." Emmett said, and it was like a knife was suddenly pierced to my already dead heart.

"Emmett... not helping" Carlisle said but that image was already instilled in my mind. Was I really afraid that Bella would leave me if she remembers? Was that the nagging feeling that was bothering me all the time. I was in the spotlight and they were all looking at me like I was about to break at any moment.

I needed to be alone to think. "I'm going hunting" Before I could dismiss myself, Esme's hand was on my shoulder and she looked at me with sympathy. "Edward... You know Bella loves you. Nothing would change that".

I looked at my mother and all I could do was nod before I left them to be by myself. I know Bella loves me. But I don't know if that would change. Deep inside, I was afraid of the truth.

I let my vampire instincts rule me, so I could forget the inevitable. Hunt. Feed. Hunt. Feed. I continued throughout the night until I felt too full to have any more.

It was already daytime when I got back to the cottage. I went in thru the back and I panicked when I saw the bed empty as if no one ever slept there.

"In here" Bella's voice was somewhere in the kitchen and relief flooded through me. I rushed towards the kitchen and there she was sitting alone. She looked up at me and smiled.

"I felt someone was inside. I got up early, so I made myself breakfast" She pointed to her plate which was already empty.

"Good Morning" I tried to hide the uneasiness from my voice and she didn't seem to notice.

"You weren't here the whole night." She accused, and I grabbed a chair and sat beside her.

"I'm sorry love. I had to hunt...and I guess I lost tracked of time." I reasoned. She didn't think twice of accepting my answer and leaned her head on my shoulder. I inhaled her scent and felt the burn in my throat giving me a constant reminder how appealing she was no matter how I quench my thirst with animal's blood but this time, I was in control.

"Are you nervous?" I asked casually.

"I don't know... maybe..." She started to say.

"I mean, I really don't know what to expect. All I know is I need do find out the truth about myself." She sighed, and she held my stone hands firmly. "You'll be with me, right?" She looked up at with me and there was something in her eyes that made me feel guilty about my selfishness of not wanting her to remember. She was hurting. She deserved to know the truth and I needed to be there for her.

"I'll be here for you Bella... always." I stood up and reached out my hand.

"Shall we go?"

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