Chapter 11

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Slowly waking from the pain, Alastor groans as he found himself in a random room again. He can't remember how he got here but it didn't matter. He slowly sat up and found his future bride and his knight in the room with Charlie's advisor. Charlie smiled and hugged the demon as she cried.

"You're okay! I'm so glad that you're okay!" She said. Alastor cough a bit as Charlie quickly let go.

"What happen?" He asked. Trying to remember and trying to put the pieces together. Remember how he was fighting an old snake that wanted to be king and was seconds away from dying but remembering Prince Angel saved him but got taken away. His eyes widen as he quickly through the covers and got out of bed.

"Angel! We need to-" Alastor fell to his knees as Charlie quickly caught him and held him.

"Take it easy my lord. When we found you, you were badly hurt." Husk said. Alastor slowly got up as he told Charlie he will be fine. Alastor made his way to a closet as he opens some draws.

"I'm going to save Angel. Husk, make sure Queen Charlie, Princess Molly, and Advisor Vaggie are safe and sound. This castle isn't safe for them. Take them to my castle. They'll be safe there. Tell my mother that we were attacked and I went after one of the princes." He orders Husk. Charlie stopped Husk for doing something as Alastor took out a new pair of Armor that he hid away.

"You mean your forester mom...?"

Alastor stopped as he froze for a second but he quickly focuses on what he was doing.

"I don't have a foster mom. Stop making-"

"You can't lie to me! As your future wife, I should know the only reason I'm marrying you is that you're stronger than your own 'parents' that are owls. Your brother is an owl. You're adopted." She said as Husk and the others were shocks to hear the news about Alastor. Alastor growler as he punches the wall in anger as little shadow demons appear and started taking stuff for him.

"DID I ASK YOU TO REMIND ME WHY I DIDN'T WANT TO BE PRINCE! YEAH, I GET IT. I'M SUPPOSE TO BE A CITIZEN! I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A KNIGHT! I NEVER WANTED TO BE PRINCE! STOP REMINDING ME HOW MUCH I HATE ABOUT MY OWN FUCKING PASS!" He growled while his eyes turned red and almost use the sword at Charlie. He had his hand on the sword as he breathed heavily.


"Do me a favor and stay out of my way. Your new order is to marry Vaggie and become Queen of hell. I'm going after Angel." He said as he grabs the armor and quickly heads to a separate room to change and he came out in full armor.

Molly tried to think and soon remembered that there was a deer lady that said something when Alastor passed by.

"Wait! Alastor, you're real mother was at the wedding. She was deer like you and she kept smiling even if she was crying. She said something when you walked by her." Molly explained but Alastor didn't want to hear it. He grabs the sword and was about to head out but Lucifer walked in with a woman hurt.

"Dad!" Charlie cried as she hugged him while Alastor back away. He stood there trying to wait for them to get out of the way so he could get through. Lucifer hugged Charlie back while Alastor rolled his eyes. Once Charlie spoke to Lucifer. Husk went up to Alastor and spoke to him along.

"Captain, do you know a way out without being seen?" He asked. Alastor thought for a moment as he shrugged. But he soon figures out something but his attention was drawn to the woman. She fits Molly's description of his real mother.

"My lord... How old is this castle?" Alastor asked.

"It's over a decade old. Why?" Lucifer asked.

"Well if this castle is old... That means there should be hidden passages through this castle." He explained as he quickly stared at the woman but brought his attention to a wall while he softly touches but when he tried to reach and groaned in pain as Charlie was about to run towards him.

"I'm fine princess..." He said as he ignored it and reach which it randomly opens a hidden door. Everyone was surprised. He grabs a torch and told everyone to follow him. Husk grab the torch from Alastor as he began to lead the way.

It was silent while everyone was trying to figure out where will they be. Alastor, of course, was slowing down as he breathed heavily. The deer demon lay back on the wall as he felt so tired. His whole body was hurting. He felt like he was going to pass out. The woman noticed their numbers were short as she quickly turns to see the knight behind as she heads back towards them and tries to get Alastor to move.

"Come on. We must catch up with the others. Can you walk a little more?" She asked. Alastor nodded as he held his side and got up. He began to walk slowly with the woman. He wanted to see if it was her but he didn't know how to speak until the woman started talking.

"Today was my son's special day you know. My, My, he looked so handsome in his suit. He looked like his father back in the day. I'm glad he was raised right." She said. Alastor was surprised as she still remembers him.

"What do you mean he was raised right? Didn't you raise him?" He asked.

"I wish I did, my when he was a toddler, he was already into being a knight. But they took him away and made him a prince. My poor baby. His dream was crushed when he became a prince. We used to write to each other but he stop sending me letters but now I understand. He was so busy managing the wedding and everything." She explained. "My poor Alastor... I hope he's okay." She said before wiping her tears.

Alastor had tears in his eyes, something that no one was able to do. He wanted to hug her said that her sons here. Just wanting to meet her and want to go home with her but he had to focus on the task he must do. Husk stopped as he opens another path that leads to outside.

"My lord, we await your orders." He said to Lucifer. Alastor caught with them as he stood there with Lucifer.

"Get the citizens to safety. Get my daughter and her friends out of harm's way, including my life. Al-"

"You don't need to tell me, my lord. I know what I must do and I must do it alone. It has been a pleasure being here with you. I have to get Prince Angel myself. You have to go and prepare my army to fight just in case that snake comes back." He said. Lucifer was about to offer to go but Alastor didn't want to hear it.

He turns to the woman and hugged her. The woman was confused as the red knight held her tightly.

"I love you, mom... I'm so glad that I get to meet you before my mission." He said letting go. The woman was confused before Alastor took off his helmet and wipe the tears in his eyes. The woman gasped as she softly had her hand on his face.


"It's okay. I'll be back with Prince Angel... We can talk later." He said as he put her hand down and put on his helmet before leaving to head to the abandoned Castle.


To be continued...

Ah yes! We are almost finished! I hope you enjoy this cringe!

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