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Before the story begins this story will have gore, violence, cursing etc. so be warned. Also please respect the ships I have in this story, you don't have to like all the ships included to enjoy the story.

It ws a nice and sunny summer day, a perfect day to head out and have some fun, which is exactly what the Germanic nations had decided on doing today. They were having a picnic by the pond when Germany's phone suddenly went off, making many of the other nations turn to Ludwig. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the number. "Who's that bruder?" The red-eyed albino asked, standing beside him. "Its the mayor, America." Ludwig replied, answering the phone. "Hey Ludwig, I know you're out with your family right now but you need to come to town hall right now." The American urgently requested a slight nervousness to his voice. "Sounds urgent, alright I be there in 5." The German complied, now a bit worried and hung up the phone. "We have to leave?" Hungary piped up slightly disappointed, the others faces reflecting the same. "Ja...unfortunately, but we have something more serious on our hands." Ludwig replied as everyone quickly packed the things they brought with them and put them into the car. Prussia got into the driver's seat as Germany got into the passengers side and the others piled into the back of the car. "So where do you need to meet up with him?" Prussia asked the German man in the seat next to him. "The town hall, Im not even exactly sure what is so urgent that he needs me there." The German worried slightly, the Hungarian behind him put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Im sure everything will be okay." Eliza comforted, taking her hand off the German's shoulder. "Ja don't worry about it too much west." Gilbert also comforted, everyone in the car continued talking untill the car stopped in front of the town hall. Germany opened the door to step out of the car but decided to say something before leaving. "I don't know why but I have gut feeling that something bad is going to happen while im away so please, protect yourselves I don't want anyone getting hurt." He suddenly said to his family and stepped out of the car. "I think you're a bit paranoid but you might be right...I'll keep watch of anything suspicious if it will help." The Swiss man replied in the back of the car, next to Liechtenstein. "Alright, call me if anything serious happens." The German then closed the car door and headed into the town hall.

Gilbert watched as the large blonde-haired man disappeared into the town hall then started their drive home. "What does he mean that something bad is going to happen to us?" The brunette questioned aloud. "Hm...Im not sure, he might just be paranoid." The albino replied back to him. "Brothers what are you talking about?" Liechtenstein suddenly asked, revealing that she hadn't been paying attention. "Germany was just worried about all of after getting an important call from the mayor." The protective Swiss nation informed his little sister and anyone else who didn't listen. The ride home was quiet besides the bit of chatter in the car, Prussia stopped at the Benelux house and let the three nations out of the car, but he had a strong gut feeling to stay put. The Dutch man saw the kitchen light still on in the house and turned to his sister. "Did you leave the kitchen light on?" He asked, the Belgian followed his gaze to the kitchen window. "I remember turning the light off when we left." She confirmed, now starting to get worried. "Hm...I figured so, thats worrying." The Dutch man replied back opening the car door again, and looking at Bash. "I think someone is in our house and Im unarmed." The Dutch man informed and the others had worried looks on their faces. Switzerland gets up and out of the car, now standing by the Dutch nation. "Dont worry Ned, I'll protect you." Switzerland assured as he pulled his loaded pistol from his hidden holster, holding the Dutch man's hand with his open hand. "It also might be best if your siblings stay out here while we take care of the threat, just follow my lead." The Swiss man seeming to have done this a dozen times before. "I have a bad feeling about this..." Tim admitted, squeezing his lover's hand before he opened the door, trailing behind the Swiss man. They both scanned the kitchen and dinning room, some of the chairs at the table had been moved around and a few kitchen cabinets were left open. "Someone has definitely been here and they could still be here." The Swiss man whispered, the nervousness present in his voice. They made their way into the living room to discover more evidence that someone had been there. The one window in the room was broken and the chair by it was knocked down, as if whoever broke in were rushing into the house. After clearing the entire first floor, the dutch and swiss men made their way upstairs. Bash searched Luxembourg's room on the end of the hall and Tim searched the room next to it, his sister's. As Bash was looking for where the culprit could've gone, he hears some shuffling and a scream in the room nextdoor. 


The G8 were gathered in Alfred's office, he had gathered all of them there quite urgently. "I know you're all wondering why I gathered you here so quickly." The American paused, taking in everyone's confused and worried expressions. "Well there has been an outbreak of zombies because of an accidental release of an underground virus." Alfred informed the nations, who all stared in shock. "Shouldn't we inform the other nations?! What if they get effected by it?!" The German man piped up, lots of concern in his voice. "Yes that's why I needed you here, to calmly inform the nations of whats happening." Alfred explained, while himself and a few other nations got to quickly setting up a broadcasting station, also informing the other nations of the broadcast. "Alright are we ready to broadcast it?" Kiku asked from behind the camera, the other nations nodded and The Japanese man hit record on the camera. "We have a very important message, so please don't adjust your screens!" The German urgently said to the nations watching the broadcast, then Alfred came into frame. "Earlier this week we had an underground virus break free of its containment and it has caused a surge of viral zombies that are roaming the city and it is predicted that there will be a horde within the next few hours in our city. So please prepare yourselves, the nations I currently have here with me will be home shortly after this broadcast." The American informed quickly, Ludwig ended his speech. "We recommend that everyone stays home and keeps themselves armed until this outbreak is over. Stay in groups and keep yourselves hidden from the zombies. Mayor America will keep everyone updated on safety regulations and other important matters, signing off until further notice." Ludwig informed and the Japanese behind the camera cut the broadcast. "Don't worry everyone, I promise I'll get you all home safe." Alfred assures as piles the G8 into his car to take all of them back to their homes.

"BASH! SWITZ!" The Dutch man screams with all his might, causing said Swiss man to rush over and kick the door open. "Tim! Ive got you." The Swiss man pointed his gun at the rabid person that attacked his love, shooting it right in the head. Its blood splattered on the wall and Tim's clothing. The Prussian quickly rushed in the room. "Guys! We have to go Now!" The Albino yelled at them, while they quickly gathered some needed items from the home. "There is a zombie outbreak rising that We just heard about from Alfred." He explained, gathering everyone into the car once again and rushing home. Once they got back to the house Ludwig was there, already gathering supplies from the upstairs of the house and bringing it down to the basement. The other Germanic nations quickly helped bring mattresses, medical supplies, clothing, lanterns and various other needed survival items from around the house into the basement which they secured, It was quite lucky that they often used the basement for social events so they had a small kitchen area and a bathroom down there. "Alright, nobody leaves this basement unless absolutely necessary and we will use our radio to communicate with nations outside of the house, Is that all clear?" The German set those few rules, which they all agreed to.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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