The Art of the Hustle 2

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You've finished The Art of the Hustle and want to see what happens to Trevor and Ashley, well, you're in luck. There is a sequel! You can read the entire book here:

For those of you who don't know, The Art of the Hustle is my debut novel and it is loosely based on my life. All the riches part I made up, but even many of those scenarios are taken or inspired from real events.

After that book, I went on to write a number of sci-fi stories and never looked back. I love technology and the creative freedom sci-fi offers. But The Art of the Hustle is still near and dear to my heart. I really wanted to write a sequel, so one day, I did. I wrote book one in about 6 weeks, starting in December 2010. In December 2016, I wrote the sequel, which took me about 6 weeks as well. But this time, I had learned a few things about writing. 

After my first book, I vowed to never write in the first person again. It is really hard and limiting since you can only write scenes that the protagonist experienced. I also developed my storytelling abilities, my knowledge of the world, my vocabulary, my use of language, and so on. So The Art of the Hustle 2 is written in the 3rd person, it's 20,000 words shorter, it's more fast paced than the first book, and it is almost entirely fiction. These events are not based on my life. So in some respect, the two books are like a 1965 Mustang compared with a modern Mustang. They both share the same spirit and resemblance, but one is a much more modern version of the other.

 I write for me. Sometimes I think about the audience and what they would want, but mostly I write stories that I would want to read. As weird as it is to say, I am my own biggest fan. I really love how both books turned out and I cannot wait to for you to read it. So I hope you share this excitement, read the book, then tell me how you felt about it.

As always, thanks for your continued support! If you like any of my books, I would appreciate if you like, comment, share, and give me good reviews on Goodreads :)

Edward Mullen

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