Happiest man

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~Veronica pov

It's been about a week and I have been trying to get along better with Ben. Since the mating games where now officially over it has been quite lonely. Since I gave Ben a chance the security around me
Decreased but I can still tell that they are watching me from time to time

The other day I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. I made my way down to the kitchen to make some coffee and me and my wolf could both sense the guards watching us.

As of right now, me and Ben were in the dining room having some dinner and Ben insisted I sit on his lap. Not feeling like arguing I went over and sat with him.

"Ve we need to talk," he said in a serious voice

I looked at him with questioning eyes and tilted my head to the side.

"This is a very serious question" he continued to speak

My heart to beat faster as I got worried about what he was going to ask me

"W-well what is it" I stuttered trying to not be worried

He takes a deep breath and looks right into my eyes.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asked raising one eyebrow. I couldn't Hold in my laugh at his stupid question as to why he got all serious over it.

"Are you actually being serious right now?" I said whilst still laughing.

He softened his hard glare on me and started to act all Cute and pout.

"Because princess I need to know. You are mine and I'm not going to lie I want you all to my self." He continued.

I looked back at him and let out a small smile.

"No Ben I haven't even had a boyfriend. Probably to your enjoyment you stole my first kiss and my virginity!" I said getting a little louder and frustrated.

A big smile and wash of relief went over bens face glad to hear the words come from me. This leads me to wonder if he had ever dated anyone before

"Now we are on that subject. Have you ever had a girlfriend" I glared at him

Another smile graced his face and he pulled me
Closer to him resting his chin on the top of my head

"No baby I haven't. I have never even been in 10 feet of a girl before I met you. I always wanted to save my self for my mate and my Parents felt the same way. I'm happy to say you were my first kiss and also took my virginity also".

I sudden wave of relief washed over me the same as to what happened to Ben and I suddenly felt a weight lift off my solder and was suddenly happier.

I turned to Face Ben and put my head into the crook of his neck and inhaled his amazing sent. I hugged him close not letting him go

I will admit that I have been giving in to the mate bond. Being away from him was too painful. I need him my wolf needs him


I watched as my mum and dad walked away from the palace I now have to call home and give them one last wave bye. It was the most painful part of having to say goodbye to them.

     They both walked out together hand in hand still as much in love with each other from when they first met. I hated this feeling. Knowing one day I will have to say goodbye to them. A goodbye that I know would be the last and final.

  The fact that I was going to live on for many years to come still didn't sit right with me. Having to watch my whole pack slowly leave me wasn't something I had forgotten. 

    As I was deep into my own thoughts I felt arms around my waist and the feeling of being pulled closer to a hard chest.

   I tilted my head back and was greeted with a handsome face. I blushed a little under his gaze only for Ben to chuckle and kiss my forehead.

     Suddenly I was turned around to be face to face with Ben. His once cute looking face had turned into a serious almost worried one looking at me.

"Ve" he stared off looking straight into my eyes

"As u may or may not know Everyone and I mean everyone knows I have found my mate" he says whilst keeping his grip on my back firm.

I looked at him a little startled as to how quickly the news has gotten out.

Seeing that I wasn't going to say anything else he continued

"This means that it will be expected for you to be fully crowned princess next week. Now I know what your thinking and you don't want to do it but Ve please understand you don't have a choice. It has to be done".

   My body was filled with anger and I went out to punch his chest only for him so bring me into a bone-crushing hug stopping me in the process.

    "I'm sorry princess it's so sudden but once it's over and done with you don't need to think about it again. My mum and dad are still young so they won't be stepping down from the throne any time soon so we have plenty of time until that."

   Ben tried his best to calm me but It didn't work.  Yes I will admit I like him. I like him a lot.  And things were looking up but I can't crown princess it makes everything so permanent.

"NO" I shout. Trying to get out of his bear hug.

Not liking this Ben pulled me back and held tightly onto my shoulders preventing me from running away.

   "Ve please. Please don't do this. I love you so much I would never do anything to purposely upset you.  I'm sorry that it's all last minute but please just do it for me" he begs

     "You l-love m-me" I stuttered out a warm feeling rushing through me.

"Of course I do. Your my mate. My princess. My future queen." He smiled down at me.

    I didn't know it but tears started to form on my eyes as he continues to looks at me.

  That's when it hit me. I do love him. Yes he fucked up but so did I.  I felt a new feeling and I like it. I smiled up at Ben and slung my hands around his neck.
     "I love you too Ben" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.  I heard his heart rate increase and he rested his head in top of mine with his height towering over me.

   "Say it again what you just said" he mumbled into my hair.

      Deciding to not argue I let out a small chuckle and said "I love you. So much. I'm sorry for not realizing it sooner". 

    As soon as I said that I felt my self being lifted up by Ben and twirled around.

I massive smile was on his face as he leaned in and captured my lip with his. The kiss was short but full of love.
" you just made the most happiest man in the world," he says more to himself than to me

      "And yes I will do the coronation for you" I say back fo him. This only made his smile grow bigger from what it was and how that was even impossible I will never know.
  "Thank you Ve." After that I was back to hugging Ben for what seemed to be hours. Both happy in each other's arms.

Not posted in a while but only one more chapter left till the end or trapped in the mating games.

     I can't believe that people are actually reading my book. It's got over 900 views. Which is just so crazy to me. Thank you so much!

I have plans for another book but it won't be related to this book. It will be a separate one it's self.


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