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My candy ran out so I turned my light off. I was back in a pissey mood since none of my friends decided to come check up on me. I pull my phone out and go through snapchat. Everyone was posting about the party. I huffed before walking up my stairs. I open my closet pulling out a black sparkly skin tight mini dress. I sat at my vanity curling the ends of my hair pulling the top part into a high ponytail. I sild into my sliver sparkly dress. I grabbed my keys walking out the house. I locked the door and got in my car. I started it and started driving to the party. I take a deep breathe before opening my car door. I walked into the house immediately regretting my choice of clothes. I walked to the kitchen and immediately spotted Mattia. I made my way over to him.

"KAY?" he said setting his cup down pulling me into a hug. "Are you ok?" He looked at me worriedly. I smiled, then did the come here finger so I could whisper something in his ear.

"Where's ale?" I whispered. he pointed to the back yard. I nod before walking out the sliding door. I spotted him sitting by the pool with his feet in the water. He was looking down at his hands. I walk over to him putting my shoes next to his, I put my feet in the water. I sat down wrapping my arms around his waist. "Im sorry." I said laying my head on his shoulder. "I over reacted."

He looks at me shocked. "what are you doing here?" he smiled then pulled me into a hug. I smile then buried my face in the crook of his neck. He pulled away to look at me. "Wait so what did you do for the 3 hours you were at home?"

I laugh. "I passed out some candy then some boys tried to come into my house but John helped me. Then I met johns friends and we talked for a little bit."

"John as in the guy we just played?"I nod. Ale stood up putting his hand out for me to take. I take his hand so he could help me up,I pulled my dress down in the back so my butt wouldn't get exposed . "I'm sorry for not keeping my promise," he said taking both of my hands it to his. I smile at him.

"Its ok ale." I said. I move my hand up to crease his face. He grabs his my hand. "alex"

"Its not ok, Makayla I cant keep promises to you and I really just want to apologize," he said. "and I-I just feel like a bad friend. and I just want it to go back to when we were 4, when we would just tell each other everything, I just don't wanna loose you for dumb reasons." I noticed the tears in his eyes. I could tell he was serious cause he used my full name. He looked down letting the tears fall.

"Alejandro look at me," I said with my voice cracking. "Ale please." I wiped my eyes. He looked at me with the tears falling down his face. I wipe his tears ,and sniffled. "You will never ever ever lose me ," I wrapped my arms around his neck. He had to bend down cause I couldn't stand the on my tippy toes. "AND I LIVE BY THAT." I exclaimed before pulling away and kissing his cheek.

"I love you." He said chuckling. Wiping his face

"I love you more." I replied smiling.

"AYE MAKAYLA MY BITCH!" Kairi said walking over to me and ale throwing his arm around me. "I THINK YOU LOOK REALLY NICE IN THAT DRESS!" He kissed my cheek sloppily causing me to chuckle.

"thank you kai," I wrapped my arm around his waist. "How about I take you to my house."

"Ugh why?" He asked breaking his neck to look at me. "Ohhh to get rid of Alex?" I nod. Then we wobble to my car while Alejandro and Mattia gathered the rest of them. Alejandro Robert roshaun rode with Mattia in his car while I had kairi, ahna, and Alvaro.
"Mattia will you get your girlfriend out my car?" I said causing him to turn around to look at ahna. She had her arms wrapped tightly around the passenger seat.

"Come here baby," he said smiling. He walked closer to the car grabbing her hand. "Wanna go lay down?" He pulled her out the car wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her cheek before walking into the house. I made sure my mom wasn't pulling up. I ran in the house locking the door. I throw the boys some shorts I had from track. They never fit cause they were to big. I changed ahna into one of my night gowns. I don't know how we all fit on my little ass bed but we did.

"goodnight everyone!" I said turning off the light. I lay down on a spot next to Ale. After a couple minutes of complaining about how hot it was I got up and walked into the guest room. Yes we have a guest room but I prefer to have all my bestfriends close to me at all times...Naw I kidding their dumb ass don't like sleeping in the guest room because if you look out the window you can see some weird girl looking in our window.

I closed the curtain, then plopped on the bed. I rolled over closing my eyes before I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I turn around snuggling into his chest. "goodnight ale." I said before someone opened the door. One person laid at the bottom of us, someone laid next to Alex, then two people laid next to me. Mattia and ahna walked in and laid on the arm chair in the corner. Kairi walked in holding onto a pillow with a blanket wrapped around him.

"I know y'all didn't leave me in that room by myself." he said turning the lights on then walking over to the couch beside the arm chair. He collapsed onto the couch. I could see my mom poke her head through the door. she laughs then turns the lights off.

"goodnight kids" she said shaking her head at us

"night mom!" we all said in sync earning a laugh from the other side of the door.

𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲...🧸

Sorry for any miss spelling

I have no words for this update...


(if you want💀)

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