Meeting Ichiru

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*Masami POV*

The night carried on with the nigh class students dancing with the day class students. At one point I went to look for Zero and he wasn’t there shortly after Yuuki and Kaname disappeared to.

I looked around then I felt another strong pureblood presence I took off running toward the building it had radiated from without my brothers evening realizing it. I just felt the Zero was in trouble.

When I got to the Old Moon Dorm I walked in on Zero holding Yuuki a vampire about to bite Zero and a masked man.

“What is going on here?!” I yelled releasing my Black Rose and Pure Rose pointing it at the Pureblood.

“Masami No run away!” Zero urged me.

“Hm, so you are the one who is taking Zero from me.” The pureblood said looking at me.

She looks familiar. I think my parents mentioned her name is Shikuka Hio no her name is Shizuka Hio.

“Hio, take your hands off of Yuuki or you will force my hand here.”

She laughed and came towards me. “Hm, Masami Yukimura. Of the Pureblood family. One drop of your blood is rumored to give any vampire more power.”

“NOOO MASAMI RUN!” Zero Screamed trying to gain control of his actions to help me.

I tried running but the masked man stopped me and pushed me towards Shizuka. She bared her fangs but before she could bite me somebody pushed me out of the way making her fall to the ground.

I looked up to see my brother surrounding me fangs bared at the pureblood.

“Ami-hime are you ok?” Daisuke asked pulling me to my feet.

I nodded once and hid behind them, still gripping Black Rose and Pure Rose.

‘Should I shoot her?’ ‘But Will it work’ is all questions that ran through my mind at the same time. I thought of about 10 different scenarios as to how it’ll work. But before I could do anything. I felt Black Rose disappear and the familiar light of Black and Bloody Rose combine and almost hit Shizuka until the masked man pushed her out the way.

“Dammit Ichiru!” Zero said frustrated.

I smelled blood and looked over to see Shizuka bleeding so I lurked forward pulling out my Hikari scythe to finish her but before I coulod l deliver a blow she disappeared.

“Michio, can you guys go find the Headmaster or Kaname because I feel as though the vampire counsel will be involved in the next few minutes.

They nodded and disappeared.

“Now my question is who the hell are you” I asked pointing the scythe at the masked man.

“GO ahead Zero tell her. Tell her who I really am.”

I looked at Zero his eyes met mine the looked confused and conflicted. I one quick and fluid motion he flicked the sword that was now in his hands at the mask on the man’s face.

“He’s my twin brother Ichiru, Ichiru Kiryu.” Zero said looking at his brother.

Me and Yuuki gasped and looked between the two. I slowly lowered my Scythe being cautious of Ichiru’s next move.

“Zero I thought you said your twin was dead.” I asked him looking at him in confusion.

No doubt the boy standing before me was an exact replica of Zero but I was still lost as to why a pureblood would keep a human alive unless..

“I see the judgment in your eyes.” Ichiru started looking at me. “But I can assure you I am not a filthy level E like my twin here. Nor am I being forced to be with Shizuka-sama”

“So what you saying is that you are following her around like a lost ass puppy with no home! Not feeling guilty that you are traveling with the bitch who killed your family and turned your brother. Or that you now have a sword drawn on him either.” I told him mockingly.

He had enough and swung the sword at me which I countered with my scythe. “Zero, don’t blame me if your brother dies by my hands” Zero didn’t say nothing but join the battle as well.

“Masami, Zero..”

So guys this book has a few chapters left. I will not be ending it where Season 1 ended I will end it at Season 2 episode 1. Because in the Sequel I plan on changing the plot around completely in order to let Masami’s Character grow even more until where the transformation happens. Don’t fret because this series won’t end as Season 2 did I’m making some stuff up so it can be a semi-happy ending.

Thanks for the support you guys are awesome! 

I'll show you a sweet dream Next Night 

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