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i looked at siren as she talked to the boys we had met earlier.

there was a boy next to her with black hair and he was lookin at her like she was the love of his life, then there was another boy who was looking as siren amazed but their was a tint of anger in his eyes

"what do you think they're talking about" i asked my other members

"honestly anything, it could be about their encounter earlier" mack said

"but nothing really happened they were just talking" i said back

"that is all we saw though, they were talking before we got there" eunsoo told me

"what do you think nani" i asked turning to her

she didn't even acknowledge us , she was to busy eating.

"huh" nani said looking up obviously confused.

"what do you think they're talking about" i repeated

she looked up and over to where siren was.

"i don't know" she said and instantly went back to eating.

i wave over at siren signaling her to come back. she nodded and said something to the boys before walking back over

"what you guys talk about?" eunsoo asked, scrolling on her phone

"they just asked about our debut and my position and stuff" she said.

she shifted her eyes to mack who was writing lyric ideas on a notepad

"can we keep talking about these lyrics" she asked frustrated, grabbing her notebook.

she stared at the paper not writing anything

"we told you it was fine, it's your first time writing lyrics" mack said

"i want to help" she said back "i won't feel good if i don't help at least write something"

"well what are you're ideas" i asked her

"i don't know i kinda wanna do a concept similar to our debut since our debut song was more upbeat" she said

she continued "i just don't know how"

"we'll help you don't stress" mack told her

"you guys want anything else, i'm going back for thirds" nani said

we all looked at her with blank expressions

"what" siren asked

nina just stared and blinked

"i'll take that as a no" she said and walked off

"what will we do with her" mack said as we watched nina grabbing anything she could hold

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