The beginning

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School started like any other day. And I had work.. and practice I live with Casey Rae. She's been my best friend since we were little. And her parents think she's a genius, but she really is a smart cookie.. and knows how to throw a mean right hook when pushed too far. And well I'm known as the skater girl from the Star Megaplex.. and I'm on the fencing team. I'm good at fencing when it comes to it. And good at skating as well.

Casey: Starlit come on we can't be late. And you know how your coach is when you're late.. and she'll have you doing laps.

Starlit: hold on let me get my gear. And you know we're not going to be late. Because I know some short cuts in this town.

Casey: well if you don't hurry we'll be lunch meat. And I'm not trying to be late.. and it's important to stay on time

Starlit's thought: geez she's so pushy. And bossy about being on time, but timing ain't always everything. Because that's where I save the day.

Starlit: ok Casey we're all set. And ready to go, but don't rush me. Because we still got plenty of time.

As she complained about not being on time. I get a long lecture about how early we should be at Beast Village community college, but Casey should learn to be patient with me. And wait cause I don't have time to listen to her yammering on the way to school.. and it gets me in a hissy fit cause she has to work the cafe on school campus. And I usually have practice after school by the time school lets out. It's always practice.. and work after school, so I barely have time for break

Casey: do you really think that the supernatural beings exist Starlit? Because I want to know why you're going on a wild goose chase.

Starlit: I'm sure they exist Casey why do you think I been studying  about them? And why do you think I'm on a wild goose chase?

Casey: cause Starlit you been at this for five years. And you're coming up with nothing yet.. and that's probably why you got picked on growing up.

Starlit's thought: she's right I believed in the supernatural since I was little, but Laura stopped kids from picking on me

As the day went on, so did the never ending tests at school, but Casey was right I did do a lot of studying on the supernatural the last five years. And what got me was that my parents died two years prior when I started Beast Village community college, but I didn't let it stop me.

Laura: hey Starlit how are you? I see you're still studying about the supernatural, but have you found anything yet?

Starlit: I'm good officer Shields how about you? Yeah I'm still studying up on it, but I'm coming up with a blank about Markus Vladmeer. And where he fits into all this

Laura: I'm doing good. Well yeah I see your problem with your study the truth is that Markus still runs the earth, but point a side. I heard you got a game with Riverside soon.

Starlit's thought: how does she know that!? Is she psychic or something!? But how does she know that Markus didn't die!?

Starlit: yeah we do soon. And we'll crush them.. and we'll celebrate when we get back.

Laura: well I'm looking forward to seeing you guys win. And who knows I'll take you to some place nice.. and beautiful along the way of winning.

We talked for a while. And I haven't seen Laura since we were in school together.. and that was high school, but I'm glad we're all caught up, but Laura really puzzles me out of curiosity. And I always wondered if I would end up with her, but there's no way to tell if we would end up together or not, but I wonder how that Markus was still alive he's got to be a thousand years old to still be kicking at a high age range.

Starlit Ridge Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now