17. Painting

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      Jungkook sprung up from his sheets, he placed his hand on his chest trying to slow down his heartbeat, his loud hard panting could be heard from a mile away. Cold sweat ran down his forehead. Another nightmare he thought. Jungkook didn't mind nightmares as he knew they weren't real. And even if his nightmares shook him up Taehyung would be next to him to comfort him.

      Though Jungkook's nightmares had gotten worse with or without Taehyung's comfort. But there's one nightmare that had bugged him the most; it was Taehyung's cold eyes staring at him as he lays there, blood spilling out from his mouth. Jungkook got out of bed and opened his window to get fresh air.


       Every time I feel stressed I get flashbacks from the incident. My mind starts aching and so does my body like I'm reliving the incident. And sometimes when I'm painting I just don't feel like doing it anymore.

       I closed my window and went to my bed and sat there. There's still a part of me that I wish would disappear, though I'm still unknown which part that is. I'm guessing it's my sorrow.

       "Jungkook? Are you ok?" A voice said.

       I looked towards the area that the voice came from. "Jimin? What are you doing up late," I asked.

      "Same goes for you. You had another nightmare right?" Jimin said.

      I nodded my head. Jimin came towards me and sat next to me.

      "I know it's hard but you gotta be strong Jungkook. You gotta be strong for Taehyung," Jimin patted my back.

      The weight of my bed decreased. Meaning that Jimin had left. My hands started fidgeting. I stood up and turned on all my lights. I walked towards some boxes and took out an unfinished painting. This painting was supposed to be a gift for Taehyung's birthday. But since everything that happened, I never got the chance to finish it. Taehyung's funeral will be coming up soon. I guess it'll be nice to finish it. I gently placed the unfinished painting inside the boxes. I grabbed a jacket and walked out of my room. I made my way towards the front door. Yelling out the words, "I'm GOING ON A WALK,"

      I went in my car and drove off to Taehyung's favorite park. Because if I'm going to finish a painting I'll be needing some ideas.

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