Chapter Eighteen : The End

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grade 12 was ending and all the school memories will be gone but saved in many hearts ..

the boy felt sad that this will be the end to his fake reality that he created and he has to wake up 

the truth hurts but he should know that this girl will never love him 

and she destroyed his life all those years not because she was evil but because she arrested him without doing anything , love isn't a thing you choose .

love is weird and no matter what you do or say 

you will find yourself loving someone one day so weirdly that you will be hurt so bad 

what happened to the boy wasn't a minor thing , all those years he was trying to capture her attention , by writing music for her , being good for her , being someone that he isn't for her 

but in the process of doing that the boy lost the essence of what he is 

most people will say she was a good friend and they are right 

she changed him to be a better person

even through the darkest days they were close friends and they never thought of leaving each other 

but the boy knew deep inside himself that she will be scared when she sees his true evil form because she never believed anything from what he says . she believes in god and she have a strong faith so she was never afraid of him 

until one day ..

 some boys were bullying his little brother  and suddenly the boy hands shacked and he went fast as he can and caught each of those boys and beat them so badly 

as he was doing that the girl saw that as she was going to the bus 

she couldn't believe what she saw , she always thought krash is a cute person with forgivable heart but that was changed 

when they were going home , the girl talked to the boy and was sad why did you beat some boys who were just doing something , you could just save your brother 

what makes you different than them ? 

would you call yourself a helper or an angel like this ?

isn't evil what you hate / so how did you do this ?

the boy didn't reply and kept thinking about that when he arrived home 

is he a monster who  is disguised as a human form

is he bad since birth as he thought be 

he didn't have answers for his questions and he never did

but he was sure about one thing , no one will ever love him or get close to him if they see who he is ....

during the last few weeks of the school . , the boy knew layla was so sick and she didn't get her best scores . he called for the very first time in four years 

and layla couldn't believe it she answered almost when he called 

she was in tears and she replied please i want you. i love you more than anything 

the boy was in shock when he heard that ,and he replied sadly but layla you have a boyfriend you can't love me  that is wrong , you will break his heart 

and i love someone else did you forget ?

layla replied by you are lying stop lying and she yelled 

you are loving someone who don't love you back !! who are you lying at ?

you break your first rule to never lie for this bitch ??

she turned you to the devil that you were afraid to be couldn't see 

wake up she never loved and she will never do 

the boy was in tears and replied by you don't deserve it too layla.. 

i was young when we were friends and i couldn't yet have feelings just be good and forget me 

remember we will always be best friends but you are forcing me to stay away again ..

take and never think about me again ..

the boy closed and blocked her for ever .. 

the end of grade 12 was never an easy one he had to wake up from a fake reality he created and he had to leave the girl that loved him so much 

the boy finished grade 12 desperate and sad and alone again

now he will have to go to college and recreate friends and memories all over again but how he can do that when the past is all what he has in his mind ..

the last day in school was not as the boy expected there was no hugs and no cries from him 

he promised himself not to cry over someone who didn't choose him 

in the other hands ... his friends were great somehow and they were close and they laughed and they went on a full day playing and having fun around the city 

a day to create unlimited memories that will never be forgotten..

as the summer vacation starts 

the boy was healing from a relationship he created in his mind but still he had hope that the girl will love him .. 

they chatted still and that what made him have some hope that she will maybe change her midn and love him back ?

that was the most silly idea the boy got but anyone desperate as he is would think the same ..

one day during the hot days 

someone called for over than 30 times and the boy knew it was not a bot or someone strange 

so he replied and he found that the other person who is calling is layla boyfriend 

layla's boyfriend yelled directly without any introductions 

you are a Lier , you are trying to let layla love you back 

krash answered by i never did that i went away so that won't happen !

i would never hurt anyone that's not my action 

layla's boyfriend said to krash 

stop pretending to be a hero 

" you will never be one , you broke her life . you broke mine 

she never loved me and she loved you more than me 

you are evil as you describe yourself ! you listen!! 

i heard every song you wrote 

layla always wanted me to hear those silly sing you wrote 

yes you are evil and yes you are the devil 

i hope god take you away 

fuck you krash ! 

you destroyed our life , just stay away "

krash heard this and was so sad , he didn't have anything to reply with 

he closed and he knew he is a monster all along the way 

the prophecy was never wrong ..

he must stay away from everyone and he shouldn't love anyone as well 

he must accept the idea that he have to be alone all his life .. 

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