Chapter 2: Issues Around The World.

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I know I said I'd make a random ship story but I lost motivation. Hope U enjoy!


Why? Why couldn't America's family be normal? America thought as she sat in Britain's living room watching her states play. America watched Oklahoma carefully for fear of another panic attack. Sure the last one happened in 2017 during March/April but she was still afraid for her safety.

"America, Are you okay?" Canada asks looking at her with a worried face.

"Yea I'm fi---" Her arm caught on fire. She sighs and looks at California who was also on fire. Cali is usually a tough girl but this time she was screeching in fear. Washington(state) started crying for his older sister.

"Welp. Mother back on duty." America sighed as she stood up and walked into the kitchen. She saw Britain making a cup of tea (surprise surprise).

"Hey dad, you have some cold, non-tea water?" she asks looking at her arm on fire.

"Yes, I do." He says in a heavy annoyed British accent. America grabs a bucket and fills it up with her hand that's not on fire. Britain was of course surprised.

"Cali is on fire." She sighs and the brit nodded. Once the bucket was full she went into the living room and confronted the screaming fire state. (this would've taken 9 months). She dumps the bucket of water on the state. Cali's fire goes out. And so does America's.

"Uhhh" Aussie starts.

"It's normal Aussie." America groaned. France came downstairs and looks surprised by the states running through her house. She looks at America who seems to be dying inside at the moment.

"Amérique are you okay?" She asks her daughter.

"Yea mom...Uh can we get this debate over with?" She asks, Nobody really sees America's eye bags because she puts makeup over it but France always notices it. (knowing her daughter hates being girly). Therefore:

"We should do this later you need rest." America looks at France. There's anger in her eyes and it's noticeable through her sunglasses. All of America's kids stop and look at her sensing her anger.

"Mom I want to get this done and over with before I start another world war." This is where (AsShOlE) DC steps in. He;s not considered as one of America's kids but Maryland's adopted son.

"America, statistically we cannot do that because our country and maybe even the world would be destroyed. Now if you feel like putting your children in danger, go ahead! Make us all suffer." He says with a shit eating grin. America death glares him, but DC doesn't give a shit and walks to Maryland who is shaking in her dress. America looks away right as Britain walks in sipping a cup of (you'll guess it.) TeA.

"Ight let's get this shit show started." America sighs with a heavy southern accent. And they argued. They argued so much that other countries joined the argument. Which countries? Well, Japan, Germany, Poland, Norway, Switzerland, and many other European and Asian countries. Canada wasn't talking until China brought up the Korean War.

"I honestly didn't care if everything crashed and burned. The only reason why I did care was because I would lose a lot resources I sacrificed" He shrugged. North and South Korea stared at him hashly then started yelling at him. America couldn't argue anymore and Belarus was going to bring it up But Britain being the teabag he is,

"Well if it wasn't for the Cold War--" He started

"The Cold War was nothing but a damn stand-off, dad. That's final. If ANYONE brings up that war you'll be sorry for yourself and your people." Everyone was surprised. The silence crept into the room. Why would she say that? Everyone know that the Cold War was because of the spread of Capitalism and Communism not a stand-off. The silence was broken by Ghana who was pissed off.


"So selfish. You went through nothing! I had to suffer America's bombings while you went through what? A simple over thrown government and distrust of capitalist? Baka." Japan scoffs. Ghana Stands up and grabs her spear. But her actions were stopped by her older brother, Dominican Republic. She sighs and slumps back in her chair.. America sat there looking at her. The finally brought up,

"I helped your people."

"YOU ENSLAVED MY PEOPLE." Ghana screamed on the verge of tears. The other African countries nodded sadly.

"Okay? And? I made things right. Their lives are better and safer with me." America says blandly. Ghana had enough. She got up, grabbed her spear, and left. The other African countries followed. Egypt stopped at the door holding her Pharaoh staff.

"If anything you hurt our part of the world the most. 😡😡🙄😰" She sighed and left.

"Did we cover all the wars?" Germany asks pushing his glasses up. Puerto was sleeping on him so he's just been as stiff as a statue.

"We never brought up WW2..." Poland said his hands shaking. Everyone stopped and looked guilty. They all did somethings wrong during that war.But most of the pressure was put on the 13 countries who were in the Union family (Soviet Union's kiddos), Italy, Germany, and Japan.

"...Well it wasn't our fault." Russia shrugs looking at his brothers and sisters. AANNNDDD the yelling started again. America was able to get all her kids (other than puerto because she trusts her) into the car and drive off to her house. I've only caused mayhem in the world. I can never do anything right. I can't control my states nor territories. Nobody trusts me and I'm never there for my family when they need me. America thought. She started crying quietly. Of course, a car filled with 54 people it'll be pretty noisy so nobody heard her. Her phone started ringing and she answered the call.

"Yo what's up America here." She says into the phone

"You left. Are you okay Murica?" Russia says. He was in the kitchen and the yelling was still going on.

"...I...I have..." She starts to say. She shook her head. She can't let anyone know anything about her.

"Uhm, yea. I'm fine. I just feel like I need to be there for my family more. My brothers, my mom, my dad, and my states. That's it." She says with no emotion. shit. I said too much. she thinks.

" sure?" He asks worried.

"Yea. Gotta go North and South Carolina are fighting again. Bye"

"Kay, bye." Russia sighs. The Russian looks at the mess he stared in the living room. He just watched. she sounded sick...He thought. He calls Canada into the kitchen.

"What? What's wrong?" the Canadian asks.

"America is sick but I don't know what sickness she has."


A wIlD cLiFfHaNgEr HaS aPpEaReD. Press f to cry/scream

RIGHTO! So I used Emojis instead of hieroglyphics (if that's how you spell it--) Because why not? Left y'all on a cliffhanger destroy me if ya want. Imma go play on my brand-new Xbox I got for Christmas! Bai Love y'all!

Archangel Out!

P.S: DDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 1182 words! and 46 views!? Wow...I'm honored...Okay now I gotta go my fncking back hurts.

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