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The Akatsuki were all gathered around the meeting table, about to end the meeting before Pain remembered about the scroll mission to a small village in Rice Country.

"Itachi, Kisame, you are needed for a mission in Rice country" Pain said in his 'lader voice' as dubbed by Tobi

"I cant" Itachi replied

"Yes you can, you are going on the Rice mission because you are needed in case we have to decifer something" Pain said again in his 'leader voice'

"I cant, I already consulted Kisame about it, talked to you about it a month ago, and did the 10 paged back to back paperwork needed for a day off. Can't the mission wait until tomarrow?"

"No it cannot. You are going on that mission today and that is final" Pain said in a slightly more annoyed voice

"I cant!" Itachi said in an exasperated tone

"You can , and you will, do you understand?" Pain said in a dark tone

"B-but-" Itachi started before Pain cut him off

"Do.You.Understand.Itachi." Pain said, his tone indicating no room for argument

"You will burn. Your world will burn." Itachi hissed threateningly at Pain

And then Black flames erupted from his piercings, and he fell to the ground in pain (ironic eh?) Clawing at them, the pain was insufferable and now he'd have to replace his piercings.

Note; Infuriating Itachi is not on recommended list, he noted through the pain.

He felt someokne by his side, surprisingly it wasnt Konan like he hoped, but it was Deidara, who looked pale and was apparently hiding behind their fallen leader in pain.

Pain sat up through the dizzying pain, and saw Itachi losing his shit, being held back by the others and shouting profanities that was unallowed by Wattpad law, and could make sailors blush. Hell, Itachi made it to be that Hidans cussing sounded like it was words from a saint.

Slowly Itachi was dragged struggling from the room, where Pain went to go transfer into one of his other bodies.
------------AFTER THE CONFRENCE--------------

After Itachi was dragged from the room, and most of the crowd dissipated, leaving only Kisame and Konan left, Itachi went limp in Kisames arms, and simply became comatose.

He had an emotionless face on, and he hasn't blinked in 5 minutes what the fuck!- but anyways, Itachi had lifeless eyes, and you could only tell he was breathing by putting your hand over his pulse and have it be silent and watch his chest slowly rise and then fall.

"Kisame, like this he will be useless on a mission, I'll take his to your room and monitor him from there, give him to me and go on your mission, it'll be fine" Konan said reaching out for Kisames basically unconscious partner.

"Hai, your right, I'll be back as fast as I can, try not to let our suicidal be even higher on Itachi shit list" Kisame sighed well complying with the kunoichis wishes and handing over his limp partner.

Konan nodded in approval and carried Itachi to their rooms before leaving on the mission that apparently couldnt wait till tomorrow.
Konan sighed worridly at her teammate, they weren't the clpsest, but she cared about the Uchiha, and knew he cared about her as well.

She had decided to just close his eyes so that it they wouldn't strain, and for the fact that his lifeless gaze was terrifying to her, he teammate was not okay, not okay at all.

And it was all Pains fault too, once she was done caring for Itachi her and him would have WORDS.

Itachi was still comatose, and Kisame was still on the mission, she sighed in exasperation as she cradled her teammates limp body to her own, and ran her fingers through his long, silky, unbound hair. He should wear it down more often, it might not be practical, -but it was beautiful as fuck. She waited for Kisames return, and hopefully he knew how to cure Itachi.
----------------THE NEXT DAY----------------
It was the next day and Itachi still hasn't come down from his comatose state, and was monitored by both Kisame and Konan constantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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