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"Jess... Jess... baby it's time to get up, we have to go. Can't be late for this appointment." Dave says while rubbing my swollen belly and nibbling on my earlobe.

"mmmmm, two more minutes please. You know Mama's sleeping for two". I nearly mumble.

"Hahaha... wow ok Ms.Sleeping-for-two, I'll go ahead and lay out something for you to put on, get Nyla ready and last but not least make some breakfast for you two.. I mean three... sorry." He says jokingly.

I knock back out trying to sneak an additional three minutes of sleep before the walking alarm comes back in ruining it. Three minutes later give or take here comes the walking alarm along with his side kick. My two year daughter Nyla holding my orange juice while my husband held the tray with my breakfast on it. I couldn't resist the smell of the delicious pancakes he had made for me served with a side of fruit (sliced kiwi, grapes, and strawberries) and a cup of orange juice. Being completely honest I devoured that food in less than five minutes.

"Baby, I love how you love us, truly." I say with a huge grin across my face because this man God blessed me with is truly everything.

He cups my face and comes in for a kiss but stops in his tracks and says, "Girl your tooth brush needs love." While laughing he then resumes to come in for that kiss that I quickly block and laugh while heading to the bathroom nearly waddling to go wash up.

"FINALLY!" Nyla huffs as I walk out of the bathroom.

I stop in my tracks and say to her "well excuse me for taking too long to get ready, but what's all the rush for? What's got you all excited? Huh?"

"Well mommy today is the day we get to see the baby's growth... and I dreamed about him too." She says oh so sweetly.

"Aww Ny, yes we are going to check the baby's growth and you dreamed about Him? So, you're telling me Mommas definitely carry a baby boy?" I reply while resisting to hold back from scooping Nyla in my arms.

"Yes mom my baby brother, and he told me to tell you and Dad that he loves you guys so much! I can't wait for him to get here." She says while hugging me back.

Moments like this are priceless, I can't help but to tear up because I'm just in awe at how blessed I am for this family.

"You are remarkable honey, and next time you dream of your baby brother send my love back as well." I respond.


"Jess, baby we're here". Dave says softly while rubbing my swollen belly.

"Oh no bae, are you serious? I really fell asleep on this fifteen-tweenty minute drive. Wow ..." I open my eyes and look down at my swollen stomach and continue, "Seriously baby? You didn't get enough sleep either?" I say while placing my hand over Daves and laugh to myself.

"That's weird..." I say to myself, while thinking about the nightmare I keep having but surprisingly didn't find its way to interrupt this nap.

"What's weird baby?" Dave says with a concerned look on his face.

"Ohh that nightmare I keep having, I was having one this morning when you woke me but just now I wasn't. I actually had a peaceful nap." I explain.

"And what happened in the one you were having this morning?" He says as if he's a news reporter trying to get every single detail of this recurring nightmare.

"Babe, I honestly don't want to talk about it right now, can we please just go in and not make this an all day affair being up here... you know how much I hate appointments, only reason I'm excited about this one is the fact we get to see our pookey pooh." I say while batting my eyes so he doesn't force me to go into full detail about this nightmare.

"Alright baby, let's not right now. You lucky you're so beautiful only reason I'm not gone press it." He says flirtatiously.

"Ahhh so it's because I'm beautiful and not because I'm literally a walking bowling ball, that's prone to fall asleep while sitting up, moody, and a brat?" I joke back.

"Haha now that I think about it.... you're absolutely right. You hit every characteristic spot on." He laughingly says.


It's always so cold here... reminds me of where I grew up. One of the many reasons I dread coming here. I squeeze Ny's hand as we walk out the elevator and into the waiting room of the doctors office. I sign in and take a seat next to Dave who's holding Nyla. Already knowing that the wait time was going to be agonyzing I pull out my phone and start to go through my throwback pictures. After about five left scrolls and about eight or so zoom ins on pictures, I glimpse over to my left to see Ny sound asleep in her Daddy's arms and Dave nodding off.

"The sleep I should be getting" I mumble under my breath while laughing to myself.

I continued to scroll through all my throw backs of when Ny was born finally getting to the pictures before Ny and I was taken back for a moment. Lost in thought at what the picture revealed in front of me. Wow this boy now man and I have come a very far way from what we use to be. I remember us at one point smoking like crazy... Thinking the marijuana was going to help us escape the pain this life gave us so early on. Those days ... I'm grateful for the lessons, I truly am. But I can never go back.

"Mr and Mrs.Smith, Goodmorning the ultra-sound room is clear and ready for you. You can go ahead and head back there and Dr.Jaun will be with you soon." Says the nurse from the front desk.

I quickly snap out of my train of thought and shove Dave, while telling him not to wake Ny until they start the ultrasound.

"And look at that a very strong heart beat for this little star at 7months, 32 weeks and 5 days to be exact." Dr.Jaun says while moving the transducer around to measure the crown of the baby's head.

"Mommy look my baby brother, is he awake?" Ny nearly shouts into my ear.

"Well Ny according to how much the baby is moving it seems like he or she is awake. And how are you sure the baby is a boy?" Dr.Jaun says while wiping the gel from off my stomach.

"Gone head and tell him your theory Ny." Dave says while trying very hard to hide his laughs.

"I dreamt about him last night. I told my mommy all about it! I know it's a boy because I saw him in my dream." Nyla says with a sense of certainty in her voice.

Dr.Juan giggles while grabbing a lollipop from the candy dish on the counter and kneels down to hand it to Nyla. "Aww that's amazing Nyla, I can see already you're going to be an amazing big sister!".. "So Jess, are you sure still don't want to know the sex of the baby?" Dr.Juan says while bringing her attention back to Dave and I.

"I would love to know if we're having a mini football star in the making but of course if Jess doesn't want to know, I'm willing to respect her wishes because she is the one carrying him." Dave says while rubbing my belly.

"Yeah I rather wait for the surprise when HE or SHE is born to know the sex doc." I say while letting out a slight grin. Mainly because I'm convinced Nyla is right and I am carrying her baby brother but I want to wait till birth to know if she's right.

"Alright suit yourself, Well everything is looking very healthy, and the baby's progression is great. Call the midwife or myself If you have any questions or concerns and you can pick up the ultrasound pictures from the front desk on your way out. See you in next month! Take care!" Dr.Juan says as she exits the room.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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DISCREET BY: AMONNI JOHNSONWhere stories live. Discover now