Home Sweet Home

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   This summer is about as hot as can be. School starts in about three weeks and Danny has no idea what is about to happen. I miss him like crazy. It's been about a year since I last saw him. I didn't come home last summer due to summer school. I wish Danny and I were full siblings but hey it works...kind of. My plane just landed not to long ago and I stumble into some store with shelves close together and stuff not organized whatsoever. I search for a coke and a pack of gum. The fridge is working, barely and I reach inside and grab a cold-ish coke. I hear the door open and I grab a pack of bubblegum. I turn to the counter and see an old man working behind it. He has wrinkles forming on his forehead but his smile is warm and welcoming.
   "Is that all for you today" he says in a soft kind tone that makes me smile. The footsteps from the mystery person who walked in earlier seem to be getting closer.
   "Yes sir" I say as I reach into my pocket of my black leather pants. A strand of my brown frizzy hair falls into my face and I try and blow it away. I Set twenty five cents on the counter and tell him to keep the change. He thanks me and I turn for the door but before I reach for the handle two arms whip me around into a hug. My whole body tenses before I hear an all to familiar laugh.
   "Holy Shit Diggs, it's been a long time" I stare at Kenickie with a grin on my face. I playfully roll my eyes and sputter
   "Yeah it really has, but not long enough for you to get away with calling me that" I look him in the eyes and he just smirks
   "Well, What brings you here? Doesn't school start for you soon?". He asks. I only smile, excited to tell him the news.
   "Speaking of school" his eyebrows shoot up as I say this. " I'm actually spending my senior year at Rydell High this year".
   "Senior?" He questions. "I thought you were a junior. No I know you are". Kenickie's cute when he's confused. His eyebrows are always scrunched together and his lips tighten just a little.
   "Well I didn't come home last summer so I could take advanced classes. That way I would technically be ready for senior year with my Brother" His face relaxes and then his smile returns.
   "Does Danny know yet?". He's asks excitement showing in his voice.
   "No" I say honestly. "Haven't seen him yet. I stopped by my house and he wasn't there. I mean I didn't expect him to be. He's probably drinking a smoothie at Frosty's or Swimming at the beach with some chick." Kenickie nods in agreement.
   "You sure know him pretty well" I smile at that. "Almost as well as I know him". A playful smirk forms on his face
   "Wanna bet on that?". I challenge. He waves me off.
   "I get off of work In an hour, how bout we meet at Frosty's. I already told Zucko that I'd meet up with him at seven. Be their at six thirty and we'd be good. You know Danny he's almost always late." Kenickie finishes what he's saying before going back to work. He picks up a box and starts breaking it down. He gives a wave and I start walking towards the door.
   "Oh wait one more thing". He looks at me with questioning eyes. "Gotta smoke?".

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Author's Note
Hey Guys! Thanks For Reading! This is my first fanfic and I really appreciate your support. I would love it if you could vote for me and give me feedback! If you have any suggestions/ questions feel free to comment! Updates will come soon!

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