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It's my first story to finally published it in public, hope you like it 😘♥️


"And 3, 2, 1! Pose!" The captain shouts as the flyer goes up in the air standing in one foot with the other foot bent placed by her knees.

The base gently thrown her so they can switch to standing on the other leg. She effortlessly hop from one foot to another as she grabs her left foot and bends the leg upward behind her body until her toes reached to the back of her head, in a position she resembling a scorpion's tail. She pose one last time as the bases throw her in the air and do her flip. The back spot catch her with their arms and safely puts her onto the ground.

Lisa is trying not gawked as she watch the cheerleaders doing their routines with their revealing uniforms. She can't help but stared the exposed tone legs flexing and the upper body bounce as they move gracefully on the floor. She never thought Seoul has a bunch of cute and hot people.

Lisa blink her eyes when she notice one of the cheerleaders caught her staring, she immediately averted her eyes on the other side of the court.

Lisa looked around hoping her partner in Lit will show up so she can finally escape from embarrassment. Her partner suggest to meet up here since Lisa was still new and she still not familiar with the places aside in gymnasium that she remembered on her Orientation.

Lisa froze on her spot as she heard the cheerleaders approaching to her direction. She silently cursed when she realized she was sitting nearby on their bleachers.

She abruptly stand up and walk into the other side where the exit door was. Maybe they'll meet halfway through the hallway. She stopped on her track when someone called her. She looked back where she was earlier and saw her partner running towards her while holding a guitar.

Lisa sigh and smiled as the blonde finally show up on her. She pants as she rest her hand on Lisa's shoulder. Lisa was stunned on the sudden contact.

"I'm sorry, mate. There's a sudden meeting in my club so I just be quick." She said as she struggling get something on her back pocket.

"Damn this, can you hold this for me, please? I just-" Her partner requested, Lisa immediately obliges and hold the guitar on her left hand.

Her partner finally got the crumple paper and handed it to Lisa. Lisa look confusedly to the paper and open it curiously. It writes the address and a contact number.

"That's my address and phone number. Just text me if you have concerns."

She said and silent thank Lisa as she grab the guitar. Lisa was about to say something but she was cut off.

"I'd like to stay longer but I really need to go before my instructor scold me for being tardy. I see you soon, Uhm—"

"Just call me Lisa." Lisa quickly said and offer her right hand.

"Park Chaeyoung but everyone call me Rosie." Chaeyoung smiles and accept her shake hands then sudden pull Lisa a hug.

Lisa was shock and just stiffly stand there. She's uncomfortable but amaze on how this people show affection on someone they just met.

Rosie finally pulled away from her and give Lisa a tight grip on her shoulder.

"I see you soon, eh?"

Lisa never get a chance to say something as Rosie sprints to the exit. She blew her bangs out of her eyes then muttered,

"I should probably get a new phone." Lisa continue to walk out to the gymnasium and thinking of the things she needs to buy in Seoul.

Lisa just arrived in Korea last night with only one luggage and her favorite stuffed toy, Lili. Her parents never knew she was here in Korea, probably right now they heard the news about her disappearance.

Lisa was intended to be in Europe, studying but she already planned on escaping from her parents claws and wanted to live her life normally. Good thing she's a tech genius to make sure she's leaving Thailand without a single trace, she prepared everything for a year and now she's living with her new identity as Lisa Bruschweiler.

Lisa walk through the hallway gaining some stares from the other students. Lisa was truly stunning with her short platinum blonde hair she dyed last night, not to mention her features screams foreign makes her different from others. She has this aura of mystery intrigue you to know her.

Lisa observe them lazily as she walk through her locker to put her books but she notice she's not holding her books anymore, she remembers  she left it in gymnasium when she run away from the cheerleaders. She combed her fingers on her soft hair and blowed her bangs from her eyes.

"Stupid." She muttered and about to bumped her head on her locker when suddenly someone shouts in the hallway followed by a loud bang on the lockers. Lisa looked at the commotion just right across her locker.

"Wh-what the fuck, Jin?! Let me go!" The brunette girl said as she get off away from the Boy hand. The girl grimace as she was pinned harder to the locker.

"Not until you take it back what you texted me last night." The boy named Jin said and tightly hold her hands.

Lisa is torn whether she'll help the girl out and kick his balls for being such a jerk or leave and ignore them like other do like its normal to see woman being harshly treated with a man.

"Which part? The part where I said I had nothing else to do with you or your junk is like a size of pea?" The girl taunt him as she smugly look at his lower body and smirk.

Lisa can't help but laugh on what the girl said. Jin glares at her while the other look at Lisa with amusement. Lisa clear her throat and turned around pretending to fix her things. She jumped out when he suddenly slam her locker door and looked at her with his fired eyes.

"What's funny?" He said while gritted his teeth. Lisa step back a little as the boy invade her personal space.

Lisa composed herself and stared at him. Well, his a good looking with his cute eyes, sharp nose and his pouty lips look so pinkish for a man but he unexpectedly had odor problems. Such a turned off.

Jin was about to say something when Lisa suddenly lift her hand and cover her nose.

"Can you please step back for a while? I can't breathe properly." Lisa said and push the boy away from her. Jin was so shock even the brunette who is now entertain by the turns of event.

The students also stop on their track, figuring out why does the new student has to do with the two famous people in school.

"Do you know who are you talking to?" Jin shouts to the blonde and slams the locker behind her. Lisa didn't even flinch and just look at Jin like he grows another head.

"Well, I do not know you and ain't plan to know you either but I just find out that you're a jerk with a pinky little man down there and who has serious problem with his mouth." Lisa said with her famous grin on her face.

The student bursts out on laughter including the brunette clutching her stomach with happy tears on her cheeks. Jin face is so red because of embarrassment and lean away from Lisa. He glared at Lisa with his full of anger and tightened up his jaw.

"You're dead, new student." He grits and walks out the scene. That's when Lisa realize what she did.

Fuck it, Lisa! where's your plan on keeping yourself away from trouble?

"That's a hella scene, new girl!" The brunette exclaim at her. Lisa just laugh nervously.

Way too bad to start a peaceful life here, Lisa

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