Where Did Mama Go?(Papa!Austria x Child!Reader)

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"Papa! Mama!" you called excitedly.

They both appeared in the doorway to the piano room. They looked at you, seated at the grand piano, just tall enough to reach the keys and see what you were doing with your hands at the same time while sitting on the bench.

"What is it, darling?" your mother asked.

"I learned to play this song! All by myself!" you grinned.

"Can we listen to you play it?" your father asked.

"Of course, Papa! I want you to hear how well I can play it because I wanna be a great piano player just like you!"

Your father gave a small smile. He was pulled into the room by the wrist, being dragged over to the piano by your mother.

You smiled up at them, your mother with her long, wavy brown hair and sparkling green eyes, your father with his deep violet eyes behind the small glasses and raven-black hair. You looked back at your hands and began the song.

Your hands flew over the keys. It just felt so natural. You didn't have any sheet music. You learned the whole thing by ear. Your chubby three-year-old fingers struck the keys at just the right moments, filling the house with a sweet, ringing melody.

The song finished with a flourish. You let your hands fall to your sides as you looked at your parents.

Your mother was smiling like crazy. "Oh, my little (y/n), that was beautiful!"

You giggled and looked at your father. His face held an impressed smile.

"What did you think, Papa?"

"I think that you are an amazing little pianist," he replied, making you giggle even more.

~Timeskip, brought to you by Beethoven, Bach and Mozart~

You were in your room getting ready for the day when someone knocked on your door.

"(Y/n), are you ready?" It was your father's voice.

"Almost, Papa," you answered. You finished brushing out your hair.

"Come. We're going to visit Mama today," your father said when you opened the door. You held hands as the two of you walked down the main staircase that lead into the entrance hall.

"Papa, why is Mama in the hospital?" you asked.

Your father looked down at you. His four-year-old daughter wasn't quite old enough to know yet.

"She's sick," he said simply.

~Timeskip, brought to you by depressed Austria-chan~

When you got to the hospital, your father asked the receptionist for the patient's name.

"Elizabeta Edelstein." The name came totally smoothly to him, like he had said it a million times just that morning.

The receptionist gave you the room number and you followed your father down a hall.

Everything was white. The walls, the floor, the ceiling, the doors, everything. It was all white. Even the doctors and nurses were all dressed in white. You didn't like it.

When you arrived at your mother's room, your father asked the nurse who had just exited the room if he could go in to see the patient.

The nurse's eyes were sad. "You can, but she won't live much longer. You have about five minutes," she whispered to your father. It was barely audible, but you heard it.

Your eyes went wide. Your father looked back at you and then went into the room. Your mother lay in the bed. She was a sickly pale color. You began to cry as you raced over to her.

"Mama, what's wrong?!" you asked through your tears.

"I'm very sick. (Y/n), my little darling, you must take care of your papa from now on, alright? I won't be there any more to help him. Now it's your turn."

Your soft tears turned into loud sobs. "No, Mama! You have to stay! I can't take care of Papa all by myself!"

"Please, (y/n). You must, okay? I love you, my darling." Your mother looked from you to your father. "Roderich," she said as she reached out a hand. Your father took it in his. He was crying, too.

"Roderich, don't lose sight of what's important. Keep composing. Keep teaching (y/n) how to play the piano. You need to give your daughter all the attention she needs. Don't forget about her just because I'm not there, okay?"

Your father nodded. "Okay. I love you Elizabeta."

"I love you, too. Both of you," she said with a feeble wheeze. Her eyes dulled and fluttered closed. Her body visibly went limp.

"Mama," you whispered.

~Timeskip, brought to you by emotional Author-chan~

It had been three years since your mother's death. You were walking hand-in-hand with your father down the sidewalk. The ground was covered in snow. It was winter. You loved the winter. It was always so beautiful. Your mother loved it too. She would always be willing to go outside and play in the snow with you.

But today was not a day to be playing in the snow. Today, you were visiting your mother's grave.

You walked through the open cemetery gate. You knew exactly where your mother's grave was, just like how you knew where each key on the piano was without looking at the music. You lead your father up the small hill to one grave that stood out from the rest. It was decorated with small flags of multiple countries sticking out of the ground.

There was a Hungarian flag, of course. Along with an Austrian flag, a German flag, an Italian flag, a Chinese flag, a Russian flag, a Japanese flag, an American flag, a French flag and a British flag. There was even a Prussian flag off to the side of all the others.

Today you were just bringing flowers. The ones you had brought were your mi others favorite. You bent down and gently placed the flowers over the grave. You let out a sigh. You watched your breath turn into vapor.

You smiled gently, remembering that day. The day when you first played that song for your mama and papa. That was four years ago and you were seven now. You were in first grade. You had an abundance of friends, all from different countries, just like the flags surrounding your mother's grave.

"Where did Mama go?" you asked your father.

"She went up to the clouds. She's with all of the great composers you hear me talk about," your father replied.



"Do you think she likes it up there?"

"I think she likes it very much."

~The End~

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