Penis Parker !

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     Ambers (you) POV

      "Dad I have been trapped in this building for my whole life ! I can protect myself I live with Iron Man and Captain America. Besides, what are you trying to hide ? I've been on the news, there are pictures of me out there, everyone knows who I am !" I told dad. I really want to go to school and meet people but he's too stubborn ! Ughhh ! "Amber, everyone knows who you are. If you go out there someone will want to kill you. I'm not loved by everyone." He reassured me. "Dad ! I need to talk to people ! How do you expect me to live without a boyfr-" "Fine you can go to school but it's going to be Midtown High. I know a kid there." I jumped up but stopped and made a confused face. "Why do you know a kid there ? That's a bit strange don't you think ?" He chuckled. "Gotta love you kid. Now leave I have stuff to care care of !" He kicked me out and when I got to my room, I flew in the air and layed as if I were on a cloud. "Hey kid !" I fell due to Steve scaring the shit out of me. "Ow, can't you knock you asshole !" I yelled, laying on the ground. "One, language. Two, your dad told everyone your going to school now starting tomorrow. He wants you to meet Peter, the kid who will protect you at school." I grunted while leaving my room. Doesn't he know I can take care of m- woah he's cute. I stood in the living room. "Amber ! This is Peter Parker. He is going to prot-" "Yeah Steve told me. Dad I can take care of myself I'm not 5 years old anymore." I shook Peters hand, "Amber." I introduced myself.

    Time skip because I can

    After Peter left, I went to my room. I fell asleep instantly.

    Time skip it morning because hats just necessary.

      I woke up at 4:09 in the morning. I went to my closet debating what to wear today as an 'entrance' Ew that's something dad would say. I grabbed a yellow and white cropped turtle neck and black overalls but shorts. I put in my short yellow socks and my yellow and black converse. Hm I guess my favorite color is yellow. I checked the time. 4:21 Oh wow that took longer than expected. I sat on the floor in front of my long mirror. I put on some blush, mascara, and a light red lipstick. Damn I looked cute today. I put my medium brown hair in a ponytail with my bangs hanging. Cute. I went downstairs and saw Thor. "Good morning." I said. He looked and me "who you dressing up for hm kid ?" He laughed. "Today is my first day at school I wanted to look good." I replied as he nodded. I made me some good good coffee and drank it while on Instagram. When I finished it was 5:03. I ran upstairs to let my phone charge so it wouldn't die already even though it was at 98. I ran to the bathroom to grab my chapstick. I put it on real fast and ran down when I heard my dad. "Amber are you ready ?" I grabbed my backpack. "Yup !" He put money in my back pocket and I acted like I didn't feel it. Damn it was sunny for 7 in the morning. I grabbed my aviator sunglasses and put them on. I took a photo for Instagram and captioned it 'First Day Of School💫' Cute ! "Have a good day at school hunny !" My dad yelled when I got out of the car. I heard a few girls screech when they saw him. Ew. I waved and walked in. Finally I felt so free ! I went to the locker that had been put on my schedule to see Peter. What seemed to be my ex boyfriend that role up with me 3 years ago had pushed him into a locker and was currently holding him there with my ex best friend or his girlfriend behind him laughing. "Wassup Penis Parker !" His girlfriend yelled in Peters face. I was about to use my powers until i remembered. His weak spot was behind the knees. With my super strength I went up to him and stepped on the back of his knees. He fell to the ground and I laughed. His girlfriend was about to punch me but I grabbed her hand and pushed her. Haha. They both ran off and o high fived Parker. "Penis Parker ? Really ?" I laughed. Our lockers were right next to each other and Peter took me to my first class which surprisingly was with him. "Let me see your schedule." I give it to him. "We have every single class together." We looked at each other and laughed. When we walking in, the teacher smiled. "Thank you Parker go ahead and sit. Class this is or new student her name is Amber Stark." When she said my last name, everyone gasped. I looked at one kid and he licked his lip and winked at me. Ewwwww. "Go ahead and sit next to Parker right there." I put my binder on the desk and sat next to Peter. The kid who kicked his lips was right next to Peters desk, how fortunate is that. "Hey you don't stand s chance." I whispered. He rolled his eyes and faced forward. Peter chuckled. Aww he's so cu- NO !!!

   Peters POV :

      When Amber told Jared, the kid who hit on her, that he didn't stand a chance I chuckled. She looked at me and we stared laughing quietly. Her laugh is so cute. Wait what ? Peter no ! What about Liz Luna (oc)? Do I like Amber ? I was cut off by the bell ringing. I got up and Amber followed me to our next class.

    Nothing interesting happens until your 6th  period which will be posted later but the next chapter will about Peter telling you about Spider-Man and you telling him about your powers.

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