Chapter 6

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Germany's P.O.V

Vater was out again... i wonder where, Vater was never really nice towards anyone other than Japon's Mother and Italy's Father. I walked down his room and noticed he left his coat on his chair, i went over to the chair to go get the coat. Papa's coat is too big for me but it is very warm, it calms me down whenever he's out. I decided to wear it for safe keepings. Me and Vater has been staying down this bunker for a while now... he said that it was for our safety, is it? Or is he exaggerating? I went to our little kitchen to get some food and of course... we only had little canned foods.. I do not like them, but Vater said that it is the only food we have. Oh how i wish to eat Pies, and other delicous food! Miss France made good food back then when she visits us... i wonder why she stopped. Yesterday i met a tall man, his name was Finland! He wore alot of white... also he is very scary, but he is very nice.. just drinks alot of coffee. Vater said i had a brother... i wonder where he is... although i met him once.. his name was West Germany... hehe, almost as same as mine!

America's P.O.V.

Aussie has been staying with me in my house along with the twins after Imperial Japan was invading the others... Me, Soviet and Britain agreed to take care some of the countries there in Asia due to Japanese Empire. Sadly, some young countries weren't been able to be taken care of because of Imperial Japan taking them before we did. I was trying to fix up more files and supplies to send to Brit and mom. Im trying to send as much as i can without interruption from that Nazi. Soviet is packed with other countries due to both Europe and Asia, and i heard China was being held captive by Imperial Japan.... this is bad... Im going back to the lab, I'm making the nuke, im gonna make this right.  I'll use it at Third Reich since he seems to be the most important one. I.....Am i just gonna wait here.... do nothing....? I... want to do something. I stood up making my nuke and after atleast 2 hours Soviet called.... "Yeah Sov-" "America, thank god you picked up. Third Reich has been moving, im already injured!! He even kidnapped my own son Russia!" He said in an angry yet stressful voice. I gotta finish this.. fast. 

Poland's P.O.V

I've been locked up here for a while.... im starving... im thirsty... i feel weak. Oh God, i pray that i don't die... mercy on me..... forgive me for my sins and please let me out of this hell hole.... I hear foot steps again... its Reich... i... its another little boy like me.... well looks a bit younger than me.. like 4 years or so. "Hallo! Ich bin Deutschland! wie ghet es dir...?" He said. I'm not too German that i can understand it. The boy looked at me with pity, pity..... huh... do i look that rugged...? He went closer handing me something... a piece of bread? "You seem hungry, don't worry, have this, its all i have but its better to share." He said.


562 words
Sorry me and the Co-writer was just really busy so we had no time and just decided to post this real quick.

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