
65 3 7

B rainless monsters,

U gly personalities,

L ife ruiners,

L ove shatterers,

I ncapable of kindness,

E nd creaters,

D etaching you from life, until you're nothing.

When Werever you look is the bully,

tormenting you forever,

When you'll never feel safe fully,

It doesn't stop, ever.

When You feel so unworthy,

Horrible, disguisting, mean,

When you haven't been able to flee,

And to the bully your emotions are unseen.

When your teased for everything,

left in a pit of unshifting despaire,

When you really are not handling,

All the comments that are so unfair.

When you feel you are disconnected,

With no one to talk to, or no one to get help,

When you feel you have been disected,

Left without love, in a personal hell.

When the whole world Is against you,

No freinds, no one to trust,

When you hate what you've been through,

When you feel what they do is what they must.

When each night you cry,

Untill all tears can have been shed,

When you feel you are a lie,

From a nightmare on your bed.

When you're detached from everything,

Forgotten all about,

When you are a forgotten thing,

Your meaning you begin to doubt.

When all you wish is for it to stop,

And it overpowers your mind,

When all you feel like is a pile of mud, sick and slop,

Your life is full of havoc, No peace do you find.


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