are you regretful?

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Loki turned to me with a smile as i blinked out of my stunned daze "take it back we dont need you" i sneered folding my arms my brows furrowing, Loki's face dropped from proud to agitated.

"why can't you allow me to be there for you?" he said annoyed narrowing his green eyes, "because you weren't here for four years! where the hell did you go!? You didnt think to even look for me after that? you left me! i had a child on my own! you acted like i was nothing and threw me out as soon as that woman found out!" I screamed out my blood pumping in my ears my heart beating out of my chest as i stared hard at him my body heaving.

"That woman was my mother, Frigga, she-didnt know" he stuttered near the end as i let out a merciless laugh "get the hell out and dont come back Loki, i dont need you or your stupid tricks" I snapped scooping the silent Leyla stood watching.

I didnt want to see us fight, Leyla's arms came around my neck as she came close to my ear "mommy are you okay?" she whispered as my face softened at her words "yes baby im okay" i whispered kissing her warm cheek as she pulled her body close to me.

I drew my attention back to Loki who stood looking remorseful and guilty, but i didnt care. Not anymore. My daughter went without her father and i wasn't about to let someone who left me, back in to be her father figure now.  I couldn't trust him anymore.


"Out" i stood firm on my order, "i apologize miss" Thor's voice came from behind me, i remember the stories Loki told me about him, i turned as he stood a foot in the house. I gave him a strained smile and nodded "its alright, just please-take him" i pleaded softly to Thor.

"dont worry he's leaving on his own" Lokis bristling figure stormed past us and out of the door the last thing i ended up seeing was his broad shoulders as he stalked off into the forest borders without another word.

I sighed as Thor looked to his angry brother as he descended through the bushy surroundings, "i apologize for him m'lady" Thor said sincerely turning to me a hand dragging down the back of his neck as i propped Layla up on my hip with a little jump.

"its alright Thor, you can call me y/n" i said softly my voice beginning to strain from my outburst "you know of me?" Thor questioned raising a brow as i nodded "i do, Loki had told much do you know about us?" I stumbled out referring to my previous relationship with Loki.

"well our mother Frigga had reported seeing you and she had mentioned you to me, finding you in Lokis room had linked a few things together, i assumed you two had formed a relationship but after you weren't sent from Asgard Loki...struggled severely, he would not speak to anyone for months on end, in fact it has only been recently that our mother had given Loki permission to look for you because of his health deteriorating" Thor mumbled the last half as i took the information in.

"Loki also tried to seem hard toward you to the end of your stay in Asgard so that you could move on from him, i see things have been difficult with the lack of presence from him, i assure you he had wanted to venture to see you on multiple occasions but with Odin's strict orders Loki could not get to Vanahiem, along with our mothers orders, he is very close with Frigga you see. Therefore he was torn between the two" Thor concluded as i took in a deep breath.

"thank you for telling me this Thor" i said with a light smile and he nodded "it is my pleasure to inform you miss y/n" he said lightly "your daughter is very adorable by the way" he added sheepishly as i let out a light laugh.

"thanks, Thor, she's quite the monkey when it comes to chores though" i added and Leyla huffed "am not" she grumbled as Thor let out a light laugh "what is her name if i may ask?" Thor asked "Her name is Leyla" i said setting her on the ground as she walked over to Thors large form as he stared down at her.

"did you hurt mommy too?" She asked her little lip pouting, he chuckled "im not sure i did little one" he said and crouched to her level "just know your father is not as bad as he seems, it will get better for both of you" Thor added touching the end of Leyla's nose with his finger as she giggled and caught it before he could pull it back.

"your finger is big" she marveled flipping his hand over as her tiny ones marveled it her little ears swiveling. He smiled and after there little moment he smiled to me "i must go search for my brother, i wish you the best miss y/n, and miss Leyla" he added as i nodded pulling Leyla to me as we showed him out. 

After he vanished into the forest i turned around sighing and shutting the door, but the one thing that hadn't changed was that everything was still new and clean and refurbished. I shook my head frowning. We dont need pity things.

My eyes fell to a painting on the wall. 

There in the painting was a portrait of me laughing, every brushstroke down to perfection, i walked over to it, it looked so real, my mouth was slightly open my hand up to it and my pink ears slightly back as a smile peeked from the sides of my hand.

And in the corner of the piece sat the name i had learned to despise.


^^ Magical Feline ^^ Neko reader x Loki laufeyson COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now