My name es Jenny sexy (jk) es Jenny Suzy I have chin legnth bolownd hair Today es first day of schollll ( 4 L's the charm, amiright ladies) I went into my bathrom with............................................2 sinksss. I step into my mirror and do my usual makeup routine Pour my foundation into a bowoel and apply, pour mascara into wine glwass and apply, and put my eyeliner on with my...............................toes,duh After I burn my hair off i jump into car meow I have never go to this school before so there be many yummy boys arpetwhen i step onto scoollll i careful not to trip on red carpet dang theres a waterfall i about to fall in but something catches me it smells like man yum i look up and begin day daweammmmmmm his manly man eyes were dreamy and eyish
yo wassup girl the manly man said
it take all of my not to go lololoololoololoolol in his face but guess i not good because i do anyway
manly man lok me in eye with eye irealize manly man still holding me yum
i quickly use feet to jump up and land it with my amazing balance
you sawaved my life i say with mouth
no problem he say with mouth. ( a/n there used to be a really good line here but thought it was a bit to riskay. Also "I will always love you" is playing in the backround) Close enough to pick each others noses. (a/n thanks to my bfl (bae for life) moles for the amazing line) but then somthing push us into waterfall
AS we come up for air like dowalphins manly man say gurl whats yo name
jenny suzy i say with moouth
i am jack jack gilinsky
then all of sudden we close enough to pick eachothers noses again. then he kiss me. after kiss i smawile he smawile to i think i love him
he say i love you Jenny suzy
i love you to jack jack gilinsky i say with mouth
after week of dating jack jack gilinsky propoooos then we marry and have 2 chawilds
gilinsky jack jack and sexy suzy
jk the end is only the beginning..................(quote from soul surfer)