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In this universe, in this world, there are people who have a higher control of power, a higher control of life. These people are called 'The Dekkis.' The Dekkis run our now so called society. They are like the kings and queens of the world.

Now, you're probably thinking 'What does he mean?' Well, let me explain... There are seven different groups of people. The Dekkis, the Birges, the Frets, the Calikits, the Dalles, the Aweins, and finally, the Scallets.

The Dekkis as you know run this place, the Calikits are the second in comand. The Birges are like the protectors of the society. The Dalles are more of the 'normal' type of the regulars. The Frets are the 'poor' type of regulars, and the Aweins are the 'richer, upper class' type.

But I forgot one group... The Scallets... The Scallets aren't a group of people in the society, no. The Scallets are a 'rare' type of being which the Dekkis hate. The Scallets are classified as 'evil' because of what they can do. But really, they're just like you and me in this messed up world.

Growing up I was in the Frets. From the day I was born to when I was twelve, then I got moved to the Aweins until age fourteen. Now I'm age fifteen and back in Frets with my older brother and his family.

Let me introduce myself. I am Tylikkis Ferrin Morose, age fifteen, a Fret, living with my brother and his wife with their two kids, and a trouble maker. Most people normally mistake me for my other brother, Tynikkis Aerrin Morose, who lives in the Birges section, because we're identical twins.

My older brother, Chikkisen, and his wife, Vedendra, were running around the house getting their two kids, Mikkisala and Zedendre.

The only reason we kind of have rhyming or similar names is because it's kind of a way to tell if someone is related or not. Like me and my brothers have our mom's rhyme because our dad died a month we were before and our mom was planning on ditching us so our name had to rhyme with our brothers. And if you couldn't tell already, our family name is Ikki, on our mothers side at least. My fathers family name is Errin.

My mothers name was Halikkia Morose. While my father was Derrin Argswals. No one ever really liked my father seeing as he was part of the Dekkis and he chose to marry my mother who was a Fret. It was frowned upon for two different groups to come together. So in response to the marriage my father was thrown out of Dekkis and into the Frets.

We lived in the Frets section until me and Tynikkis were twelve. That's when our mother left us and we were sent to live our oldest brother. He was rather rich so he lived in Aweins.

Now, you might be wondering 'how do you move up a class or several?' Good question. My brother had made and sold a lot of things from broken metals that littered the Frets streets. Each idem was worth quite a bit which bumped him up. Although after he moved there was no more metals or scraps to shift and sell, causing us to go back on the bottom of the food chain.

Right right, where was I? Oh! Yeah, my brother and his wife were getting my nieces ready to go the wake. Our wakes are a little bit different then your kind of wake. Our wakes involve the Saint.

Currently our Saint is Saint Misurkii Obliana. He's like what you would call the prime minister or the president, possibly even a king. He rules over us and makes up all the rules.

The rules are basically what they sound like, rules. Small little demands that we have to follow if we want to stay alive.

I look in the mirror, all dressed up and ready to go. I can't believe it... The first wake in years... Maybe they weren't extinct, maybe they were just hiding. I mean, no one wants to be hung for being who they are.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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