chapter 41

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???? P.O.V

"You'll go understand!" I commanded the green tubby in front of me. He numbly nodded, his eyes blank and yellow showing he was still under my complete control. "Good boy" I purred patting his head. I kissed him but sadly he didn't kiss back. (I forgot the potion makes him do negative things and every positive action he tries to do will make him do negative action instead...kisses are positive...but at least it will keep him from squealing to anyone about it) I chuckled darkly and kissed him again. "Your mine forever.....miles" I laughed, making him growl at me in response.

(With waltinky)

Tinky winky P.O.V

I yawned and climbed out of bed to go check on the babies. When I got there guardian was already there entertaining them with funny faces. "How come you always wake up before me you meanie?" I laughed. I then walked over to their crib where they were holding on to the rails to keep themselves up and standing.

"Is daddy being silly?" I laughed seeing them giggle loudly and laugh to. "Mommy thinks daddy is being silly to" I whispered to them hearing them giggle quietly and nod like they agreed. Arms wrapped around my waist and head was placed on my shoulder. "Good to see I made more then the kids laugh" he chuckled,  making me giggle and swat him away. "Oh you" I teased,  before picking up Evella, smiling when she let me hold her instead of her father.

"I told you Evella loves you to" he teased making me huff at him. "Why don't we get you two some yummy breakfast" I said making Evella do a cute little smile and determined look toward the dining room.

I carried then into the kitchen taking the bottle mix auden made for them and giving Evella one bottle before tossing guardian a bottle for swirl which he expertly caught.

" Here comes the nummy food" I cooed at Evella, smiling when she hummed happily when she began to drink the mix in the bottle. Her eyes relaxed as she drank the mix. Her little paws set on top of mine as she drank greedily from the bottle. "You were hungry" I laughed seeing her almost finish the bottle.

After she finished I took the bottle from her and burped her over my shoulder. She burped loudly making me laugh loudly before I held her in front of my face.  "That wasn't very lady like you know" I teased. She just looked at me with a face that said "mom does it look like I care" I laughed at that thought and turned to guardian to see swirl fast asleep.

"She just woke up an hour ago" I jaw whispered shocked. "She is tired I guess I don't know" guardian shurggred. "Well YOUR daughter is wide awake still" I deadpanned. "Not surprised" he laughed before taking her from me and swinging her around a bit.

"I'll see if noo noo would mind watching the kids while we eat breakfast" he whispered gently taking swirl.

I nodded and looked at the pancakes auden set down on the table. I dead panned when I saw mine were purple. "My boyfriend put you up to this didn't he" I growled. "Yup" auden laughed before setting down guardians pancakes.

His were a bright yellow with white chocolate chips inside. "Lemon white chocolate pancakes for the Lord" auden nodded before walking off. Guardian sat down and laughed when he saw my expression because of my pancakes. "Come on love don't be a SOUR grape" he laughed loudly, I scowled. "At least try them or would you prefer me to feed it to you?" He asked drying his tears of laughter.

I hissed at him beofre he stole my fork and cut a piece of purple pancake. "Come on love try light like it~" he purred making me blush and sigh defeated. "This is cannibalism" I sighed before opening my mouth to try the pancake.

Surprisingly it tasted really good it was like blackberries and blueberries mixed together along with other strangely delicious flavors.

"Your adorable love" he cooed making me blush and whine for more pancakes. "These pancakes are offensive but tasty" I sighed.

He chuckled and tried to eat his pancakes before I stopped him and fed him them. He hummed happily eating the pancakes as I fed him.

(With someone annoying also note fodder belongs to agentKansas632)

Ann P.O.V

I smiled evilly to myself before feeling someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was fodder. "Yes dear brother" I said annoyed. He was always good and sweet trying to make someone happy he would stop my plans for sure. (Thank god he doesnt know) "sis do you know why miles has been acting so off lately?" He asked pointing to a miles who was leaned against a wall.

(Thank god I forced him to wear a mask so no one would see his eyes are a diffent color) "Oh I don't know" I lied. "Maybe he's thinking about something important like his crush on me" I said sweetly.

"But Ann I thought he rejected you and he didnt like you like that" he said confused making me ticked off.

"Ummm I have to go do something....SEE YOU" I then ran off to  check on my plan.

Fodder P.O.V

(Something isn't right here....I'm going to find our what it is...) I thought before walking after her silently to see what she was doing.

Infected guardian x tinky winky (infected) The Love Of The Heartless  (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now