Finding out the truth (part 1)

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Caroline made her way out of her room and spotted Alex resting against the wall just outside of her room, he straightened his position and looked at her, giving her a small smile that took her breath away, but she knew that she could not dwell on her attraction towards him, it would be too fatal and she could not afford for that to happen.

'Shall we?' He asked extending his hand towards her. She eyed his hand cautiously as if expecting a scorpion or snake to spring out magically from it.

'I...' she began to protest but his next word had her rethinking.


'Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?' She asked him. 'You weren't like this with me yesterday. Fine...I know that you have been nice to me ever since I returned to your house a couple of months ago, but this is another level of being nice to me. I...I...I don't know what has brought about the changes, but I want you to know that I don't want you to pity me because of that lunatic that tried to rape me, if you say it is your fault and you are trying to make up for it, trust me that won't be necessary.' She said and watched as Alex tucked the hand he had extended to her inside his pocket, he must be very fond of that.

'I also would not want you to act nice to me because of the baby, trust me, I have no intentions of tying you to me because of the baby and like I said last night, I mean this morning, I am handing over the child to you after it birth... so'  she continued but he cut her off.

'You are not tying me down, trust me, I want to stay of my own volition, and like I also said, I want to stay married to you, not because of the baby, but because it is what I truly want, I know the circumstances surrounding our marriage is not what most people have, like love at first sight and everything about romance, but we could make this work, not because of the baby, but because, that is what we both want. I want to get to know you more, I want to share so many things and everything about my life with you, I also know that I am a very possessive man, but that is because I care about you and I Love you, seeing you with any other man makes me jealous, I... it is not something easy to accept, knowing that you don't feel the same way about me, but i want to come clean. After yesterday, i knew i couldn't continue behaving like a caveman, you deserve to know what happened yesterday, but i want you to know that i am sorry' Alex said, gauging her reaction to what he just told her. Among all other reactions he had expected from her, shock was the last, thinking his actions towards her might have given his feelings away before now, he himself was surprised to realize that she had been non wiser.

She shook her head in the negative before she released a high pitched laughter, getting him confused.

'O...ok...okay, you got me there, that was quiet funny, I mean....' she continued laughing as she placed her left hand on her bump and the right behind her, on her back and went into round two of laughter.

Alex inhaled unsteadily and exhaled shakily, what was funny in what he had said was unknown to him as he searched himself and tried to remember all that he had said to her.

'You know what? I am hungry, so hungry now and that means I cannot handle anymore of your jokes' she said as she waved him aside and made for the stairs, limping.

Realization dawned on him as he followed her, 'do you think, I was joking?' He asked her, hurt that she would take his feelings as a joke.

'Well, if you were not, what else could you be doing?' she asked him, not even looking at him as as she continued her journey to the kitchen. 

'I of all people know you don't do love, you made that quiet clear in the past and as far as I can remember your relationship with you ex girlfriends shows that you don't fall in love with them even if they tell you they fell in love with you along the line, so now you don't think I am going to take that bullshit coming from you now and then open my heart to you only for you to shatter it later on' she said as she laid her left hand on the kitchen knob and twisted it in.

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