Chapter 3

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P.O.V. Tasia

Oh my god this is not happening. Austin Mahone did not just walk up to me and say hello. I was freaking out on the inside, but tried my hardest to contain my actions to not come off as a freak.

"Can I get a picture with you?" I asked him, with both of us still staring into each other’s eyes.

"Sure, here give me your phone, I'll take it." I gave it to him. I leaned back while he leaned forward because of the dumbass fence separating us and we both smiled into the camera. He took the selfie, then kissed my cheek while I was still smiling and took another picture. As soon as his lips hit my skin, it was like a million fireworks had gone off in my body, a sensation I had never felt before even with my ex-boyfriends. 

After he took the picture, he kept my phone and went to contacts "What are you doing?" I questioned him out of curiosity.

"I'm sending myself the photos because they're really cute." He looked up from the phone and smiled at me, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I blushed. He continued putting in his phone number and sending the photos. Once he was done he returned the phone and asked me, "What's your name?"

"Tasia Smith."

"I'm Austin."

"I know." I replied while giggling because of course I knew his name, I just went to his concert. Even though it was nighttime I could see the pink appearing on his tanned cheeks.

"Well Tasia Smith, you seem pretty cool. You should call me sometime." He flashed me one of his famous smiles then leaned over the fence and kissed me on the cheek again. The electric feeling returned making me crave his lips again. I didn't understand these feelings that suddenly overcame me.

He pulled away after a few seconds, then waved goodbye as he went to quickly go take pictures with the other mahomies. Sage, Elfi, and I started walking towards the car. Once we were in the car, Sage and Elfi started screaming and freaking out.

"HE GAVE YOU HIS PHONE NUMBER. YOU FREAKING HAVE AUSTIN FREAKING MAHONE'S PHONE NUMBER." Elfi yelled. We were all smiling and laughing because we were just so happy. 

Once we had calmed down a bit, Sage said "Can I have his number?

"I don't think that's a good idea, you aren't very good at keeping secrets." Elfi told her and I laughed with her as Sage pouted for a second. Then she joined in with us laughing.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Tasia you are so lucky!"

I was sort of at a loss for words trying to process the entire night, so I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. 

The car got silent because we were all tired, and before I knew it I was being dropped off at my house.

"Bye Sage, bye Elfi! Thanks for the ride Elf." She hated it when I called her that, but I did it anyway because it was a funny nickname. She rolled her eyes jokingly and said "No problem. Thanks for the ticket." My mom had bought the tickets for me as a Christmas present, but had given them to me early since the concert was a month before Christmas.

Sage yelled to me as I was walking to my front door, "KEEP ME UPDATED IF YOU GUYS TALK!" I laughed while waving as they drove away.

I immediately walked into my house and up the stairs to my room since my mom was asleep. It was like 1am so I should go to bed soon, but I was so hyped up from the concert and meeting my idol. I wish I had gotten to talk to him longer though.

I flopped on my bed and laid on my back staring at the ceiling thinking about tonight. Out of the corner of my eye I see my phone light up. I pick it up thinking that it's either Elfi or Sage still fangirling over the concert, but to my surprise it says Austin <3.

I open the text excitedly realizing that Austin Mahone had just texted me. The text read:

Hey :) check your Instagram. It was amazing being able to meet you tonight.

I smiled as I read the text, then went to the Instagram app and opened it. I see the notification thing pop up. 40 comments, 103 follows, 278 likes, 1 "photo of me". I open the photo of me and see that Austin had posted the photo of him kissing my cheek. 

"Got to meet this beautiful girl tonight. I hope to get to know her better :)" the caption read. I scrolled through some of the comments: "I totally ship it.

"What's their ship name? I like Taustin or Austasia." I chuckled at that one.

"Ew she's ugly" Haters gonna hate, but I have his phone number and you don't bitchhhhh. I thought to myself. I laughed at my own remark.

"I wish I was as beautiful as she was" I read, then clicked on the person's profile and followed her. I cannot believe this is happening, I feel like a celebrity even though I'm just an ordinary girl from Seattle. Nothing special about me.

I remembered that I hadn't replied to Austin, so I go back to the message and reply:

Hi :) thank you for taking those pictures with me tonight. Your concert was really good too. I read through some of the Instagram comments haha.

I sent it, and 30 seconds later I got a reply. "Someone's eager" I thought out loud and giggled to myself.

His text read:

Thanks, I'm glad you could come. Did you see the ship names people are posting? My favorite is Austasia hahaha ;)

I smiled while reading the text because of the thought of us being a couple, even though I barely knew him.

Really? I prefer Taustin :) you should ask the mahomies what they think ;)

After I sent the text, my eyes started to droop as I fell into a deep sleep dreaming of the concert and Austin.

//A/N Wow this chapter felt long haha but I had fun writing it. 

What do you guys think their ship name should be? I had them both like a different one because I wasn't sure which should be their official name so I want you guys to decide. Comment your favorite and the one with the most comments will be Tasia and Austin's ship name.

The picture for this chapter is Sage, Tasia's best friend played by the lovely Kylie Jenner. Do you guys want me to put a picture of Austin in one of the chapter's? I assumed you all knew what he looked like so I figured I didn't need to put one, but I will if you want.

Thank you so much for reading, and I love you guys! <3//

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