Chapter I: Day Off

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He woke up to his alarm, which rang at 7:13 am. He yawned and picked up his phone from the table next to his bed and turned the alarm off.

It was a beautiful day outside. The sunlight was reflecting off the water and the sand was golden with heat. Steven Universe got up from his bed, his phone in hand, and opened the curtains to be greeted to this marvelous scenery. Steven then unlocked his phone again and noticed that there was nothing Little Homeschool-related on his calendar for that day. Steven then checked what day it was and saw that it was Sunday.

Steven had been so busy with his Little Homeworld errands that he completely forgot what day it was. He went downstairs and saw Pearl was making breakfast, with a radio playing relaxing music on a nearby shelf.

''Oh! Good morning, Steven!'' Pearl said as Steven made his way to the table. ''It is a gorgeous day outside, is it not?

''Morning, Pearl. Yeah, it is. And you know what's even better? I finally have a day off! Steven said, with stars in his eyes.

Pearl happily served Steven his breakfast and he enjoyed every bite. Pearl then served herself a cup of tea and sat with Steven while drinking it.

''So, where are the others?'' Steven asked Pearl.

''Garnet went to Funland to help out at the arcade. Amethyst is at the Zoo Ship, and Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot are playing volleyball at the beach.'' Pearl replied.

 ''Great!'' Steven said. He then picked up his phone again and texted Connie his daily Good Morning Message tm. He would send her an image of a funny animal and then text ''Hope your morning is  brighter than the last!'' 

''So what will you do on your day off?'' Pearl asked, sipping on her tea. She then turned to look at the cleaning supplies in the closet. ''I know what I'll be doing. This place is getting a bit dusty.''

''I don't know.- Steven replied. He had already finished his breakfast and was making his way to the sink to wash his dirty dish. ''I mean, I could ask Connie if she could come with me to Funland. They installed a new roller coaster and I want to make my funniest face for when they take my picture at the end of it, but she's been studying for college and I don't think her parents would let her.''

''Well, it doesn't hurt to ask.'' Pearl said, finishing her tea.

Steven agreed and took out his phone once again to video call Connie. He wasn't really expecting her to pick up, since it was Sunday morning and everyone would be asleep at 8 am. To his surprise though, she did pick up. She looked very pretty but Steven could tell she was still in her pajamas and laying on her bed.

''Hey Steven! Good morning!'' She said, sounding very active despite looking like she was on the verge of falling asleep again. ''Beautiful day outside, isn't it?''

''Hey Connie! Yeah, it's a very pretty day.'' Steven said, exiting his house and going to his balcony to get a better view. ''Are you free for the day?''

''Actually, yeah!'' Connie excitedly replied ''My parents told me Sundays are my off days, so I always look forward to them! What do you wanna do?''

''Well, you see, Funland installed a new roaller coaster and it looks very extreme!'' Steven told his friend. ''I was wondering if you would like to ride it with me?''

''Sure!'' Connie said ''I'll be at Funland in maybe 15 minutes. See you there!''

Steven ended the call and ran upstairs to get ready for the day. After showering and brushing his teeth, he hugged Pearl goodbye and ran outside to see his Jam Bud.

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